While we're on the subject, and since we have similar interests, I'd like to suggest you take a look at a couple of threads I started recently:
I'd appreciate your thoughts on these two subjects.
greeting everyone!
it is good to be back on here, i used to be on here years ago (prob.
8ish) under the moniker mystruggle.
While we're on the subject, and since we have similar interests, I'd like to suggest you take a look at a couple of threads I started recently:
I'd appreciate your thoughts on these two subjects.
greeting everyone!
it is good to be back on here, i used to be on here years ago (prob.
8ish) under the moniker mystruggle.
Hi Aaron, welcome back!
People like Steve Hassan, Robert Jay Lifton, Margaret Singer, Louis Jolyon West, and Michael Langone, have contributed invaluable work. Unfortunately, most of their work is unconsidered or discounted as extremist in academia.
I am sure that the majority of academics aren't concerned about cults in particular or even religion in general. They are concerned about their own particular field of study and research. That's to be expected.
What is your basis for saying that "most of their work is unconsidered or discounted as
extremist in academia"?
I know Michael Langone personally. He and many of his colleagues working in the field of cultic studies and other high-control, destructive groups are held in high regard by many academics.
so yesterday was the midweek meeting - the first of the month for december so instead of locals doing the little talk skits we get the on screen shadow puppets.. after each one the ms taking the item asks the congregation for "positive" comments.. part way through i get a text from a pimo brother enduring the show which reads thus (and i quote word for word ...).
"it's like listening to a bunch of people from a mental institution.
Screen shadow puppets
Reminds me of Plato's allegory of the cave:
we all know that this cult will drive those trying to leave to desperate measures, and today by brother was very nearly one of those statistics.
he slashed his thigh with a kitchen knife and was bleeding out until he called the police.. i got a call on my way home from work from a police officer, coincidentally it was one of my old friends from school who's now a cop.
he told me my brother is in hospital after an attempted suicide and has lost some blood but will be ok. but i should get to the hospital as he's asking for me.
Love always wins.
How I wish that were true. Unfortunately it isn't.
i've never been completely shunned because i've never been baptized.
my father side has always talked to me and included me in family events.
but my mom's side is in denial of shunning me.
Jayk, unfortunately when our family members are in a cult they often treat those of us that aren’t in their cult like shit.
Sorry you’re having to deal with this. Pretty much everyone else on this forum has experienced similar treatment by our families.
I’m glad your dad’s side makes you feel included.
Honestly, and I’m not trying to be a jerk here, but why would you want to hang out with people that don’t treat you well?
we all know that this cult will drive those trying to leave to desperate measures, and today by brother was very nearly one of those statistics.
he slashed his thigh with a kitchen knife and was bleeding out until he called the police.. i got a call on my way home from work from a police officer, coincidentally it was one of my old friends from school who's now a cop.
he told me my brother is in hospital after an attempted suicide and has lost some blood but will be ok. but i should get to the hospital as he's asking for me.
PE, well done. Your brother is lucky to have you as his advocate.
And good job on the book placement. Don't forget to record that on your monthly Field Service Report! ... LOL
can anyone give me a valid reason for it?
growing old is a drag.
the witnesses idea of ever lasting life, that you will come back to your most youthful state is such a bs answer..
Jayk, I don't drink malt liquor, I drink single malt whiskey. They are about as similar as a Sloppy Joe sandwich and Filet Mignon.
But I do appreciate the sentiment.
Same back at ya!
can anyone give me a valid reason for it?
growing old is a drag.
the witnesses idea of ever lasting life, that you will come back to your most youthful state is such a bs answer..
So now you think I'm a "social justice warrior."
As I said, you're one confused little puppy!
I will give you credit for getting this right though:
Jayk: The fact you say sex and gender are not synonymous ... I now know who I'm dealing with
Good. You're dealing with someone who knows the difference between these two commonly confused words.
PS: I reread my last post. You were right. There are two mistakes. I am missing a end quote after the word matter and I said "latter" when I meant former. Good catch!
can anyone give me a valid reason for it?
growing old is a drag.
the witnesses idea of ever lasting life, that you will come back to your most youthful state is such a bs answer..
Jayk, you are one confused little puppy!
Let me break it down for you:
Congratulations, you have broken an astonishing number of forum guidelines and general rules of internet etiquette in a single thread.
By the way: sex and gender are not synonymous. Google it!
While we’re on this topic, I will make my final comment in response to your final comment:
Jayk: Im not sure if my dick would be big enough for you to be satisfied.
As I’ve said before, I like women. But I do hear you expressing your feelings of inadequacy. Some say “size doesn’t matter, but from what I’ve heard from my friends of all sexes, genders and sexual orientations: those that enjoy “dick” like a man that HAS a big dick, not one that IS a big dick. It’s unfortunate that you seem to be lacking in both areas. Although there is not much you can do about the latter, you can learn to stop being a dick. It’s not easy, but it can be done.
Please see the “Don’t be a dick” rule in the forum Posting Rules for further clarification. Scroll all the way down. You’ll find it in the last paragraph before the “Our Agreement” section.
that;s what my wife (and all jw's) gets to hear about us at the kingdom hall today, (hmmmm, i wonder if she'll raise her hand to answer this one) ... .
watchtower study ... today, apostates and others who create divisions in the congregation use “smooth talk and flattering speech.” (romans 16:17, 18) they may pretend to care about others, but in reality, they are selfish.. (the watchtower - study edition (simplified version) 10/17 page 4 paragraph 7).
In my experience, it’s the elders disrespecting and blatantly violating appropriate family boundaries “who create divisions in the congregation.”
In that context I’d completely agree with the follow-up statement: “They may pretend to care about others, but in reality, they are selfish” tools, mindlessly obeying their cult programming.