MrRoboto: Wow can we refrain from the personal attacks and maybe try doing a little research ourselves? Looking at you JP1692.
What did I write that was a "personal attack"?
And while we're at it: where's that evidence I asked for to support your outrageous claim that "NASA releases faked imagery from time to time"?
MrRoboto: you can't prove the motions of the earth without actually going very far away from it and watching it
Not true. As I wrote in a previous post, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton and others proved it centuries ago. Have you read anything about their science?
You wrote: "I understand some people don't like these ideas but instead of scoffing at them, ... how bout [sic] we do some research of our own?"
I've done plenty do educate myself. Apparently YOU have not done that. So I again suggest you do.
Here's a brief bio about Copernicus from Stanford University. I suggest you try reading this for starters: