JoinedPosts by LogansRun
Need some encouragemant
by LogansRun inits been awhile since i've commented but i come by and read your posts about once a week.
so why do i need a pep talk ?
after almost 2 years into my fade these bastards won't give it a rest constant hang ups on my answering machine and today for the first time in about 6 months they come to my apartment complex but thankfully couldn't get in they did keep buzzing me so they were here looking for me.
Need some encouragemant
by LogansRun inits been awhile since i've commented but i come by and read your posts about once a week.
so why do i need a pep talk ?
after almost 2 years into my fade these bastards won't give it a rest constant hang ups on my answering machine and today for the first time in about 6 months they come to my apartment complex but thankfully couldn't get in they did keep buzzing me so they were here looking for me.
Its been awhile since I've commented but I come by and read your posts about once a week. So why do i need a pep talk ? After almost 2 years into my fade these bastards won't give it a rest constant hang ups on my answering machine and today for the first time in about 6 months they come to my apartment complex but thankfully couldn't get in they did keep buzzing me so they were here looking for me. The reason I'm trying to dodge these clowns is that this summer we may have a family reunion and the other witnesses in my family will be coming from out of state, they don't know I'm finished and never going back so I would like to have one finale peaceful visit with the entire family before I tell the elders to piss off and don't come back. There really is no logical reason for them to keep stalking me as I'm just a nobody, no wife no kids and parents long deceased. I kick myself in the ass daily because I woke up years ago but stayed for family and now I have to deal with the new "hunt" the inactive faders policy...OK friends thanks for letting me vent.
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2018 Conventions
by LogansRun indid they release the 2018 district convention dates and cities yet, i checked the jw website and it only mentions windsor ca for the region of the usa i was curious about.
2018 Conventions
by LogansRun indid they release the 2018 district convention dates and cities yet, i checked the jw website and it only mentions windsor ca for the region of the usa i was curious about.
Another big step on my journey
by LogansRun in1987 attended the memorial for the first time, and the last time?
2016. it was a big step for me to not go last night i'm convincing myself that i really do have the strength to never return to this living nightmare of a religion.
you may recall i'm a fader my last meeting was 9 months ago and i have deflected a number of attempted visits and dozens of phone calls they now just hang up on my answering machine, as a matter of fact they did it again this morning.
1987 Attended the memorial for the first time, and the last time? 2016
It was a big step for me to not go last night I'm convincing myself that I really do have the strength to never return to this living nightmare of a religion. You may recall I'm a fader my last meeting was 9 months ago and I have deflected a number of attempted visits and dozens of phone calls they now just hang up on my answering machine, as a matter of fact they did it again this morning. I was hoping they would start to get tired of the chase because I'm brother "Nobody" no wife, no kids no living parents and the family hardcore Jdubs live out of state where they are currently living happily ever after. On a much more upbeat note the only other witness in the family may be waking up. We had a long chat where I told him about some of the insane abuse I've received over the years ( I would love to tell you more about that but as a fader I'm being careful about giving out to many details)...The good news is that he's getting tired of all the bullcrap too and to my surprise had himself removed as a MS recently (we go to different congs) He made it clear that my true feelings and what I said are between us. I was very careful to not say anything "apostate" just telling him about all the heartless crap that's been done to me for decades was enough for a start . And I do recall the good advice I have read from all of you and our YouTube friends to be careful, move slow and don't force anything because its my goal to never return... He will chose his own path.
Thanks to all of you for being here I don't comment much but I do read your posts every week and truly want all of you to find strength, peace and happiness.
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Update on my fade.
by LogansRun inhi folks, i have not commented for awhile but i do stop by a few times a week to catch up and see whats new.
i also find the advice given to others is at times helpful to me also...now about my fade no meetings, service or any contact in over 3 months but they keep trying to call and at first they would leave a message on my voicemail but now they just keep hanging up and i know its them (i screen all of my calls).
recently they stopped by (in the evening) and buzzed me and thankfully no one let them in, i live in a locked secure building.
Hi folks, I have not commented for awhile but I do stop by a few times a week to catch up and see whats new. I also find the advice given to others is at times helpful to me also...Now about my fade no meetings, service or any contact in over 3 months but they keep trying to call and at first they would leave a message on my voicemail but now they just keep hanging up and I know its them (I screen ALL of my calls). Recently they stopped by (in the evening) and buzzed me and thankfully no one let them in, I live in a locked secure building. This must be what its like to be hounded by bill collectors or the IRS, these people are not ignorant they have to know I'm done and yes gone! But alas the CO visits and compels the elders to go after the inactive ones. Most JWs are decent people and I mean no disrespect to them but sometimes I just want to write the letter and disassociate my self from this insanity however fading is still the best way to play this game for now. I do have family that were never in this religion but I cant really tell them how it is because at some point it would spread to the witnesses in the family and churn up more crap, I only want to fight one battle at a time, congregation first then WT family members second after I have faded a few more months...OK this became a bit of a rant but I do thank all of you for sharing your views, for me knowing that others survive and can thrive helps.
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September 17th 19...
by LogansRun inone decision one day one event , today is the anniversary of the plunge that ruined my life .i was young and now i'm old and feel screwed over - ok my personal pity party is over if you made it this far thank you for just being out there.. now my fading update, no meetings for 3 weeks they don't know yet i'm not coming back but thanks to this site and many helpful youtube stories i have some tools to know how to play this game.
because this is a fade i have not been able to tell my story but it really is unique ,i can say at this time there is no wife or kids involved but i do have siblings in this and my oldest brother is a super strict witness to the point of being a bully but thankfully most of my extended family are not j-dubs and that's what's going to help me get through this along with all of you .
have a great day folks !.
Thanks All , I'm feeling a bit better now I just listened to the latest edition of "The vast apostate hour" on YouTube , first time I heard it live and it was good show. I even enjoyed two chili dogs and a few beers while I listened. As for tomorrow NO MEETING just a full day of football on TV.
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September 17th 19...
by LogansRun inone decision one day one event , today is the anniversary of the plunge that ruined my life .i was young and now i'm old and feel screwed over - ok my personal pity party is over if you made it this far thank you for just being out there.. now my fading update, no meetings for 3 weeks they don't know yet i'm not coming back but thanks to this site and many helpful youtube stories i have some tools to know how to play this game.
because this is a fade i have not been able to tell my story but it really is unique ,i can say at this time there is no wife or kids involved but i do have siblings in this and my oldest brother is a super strict witness to the point of being a bully but thankfully most of my extended family are not j-dubs and that's what's going to help me get through this along with all of you .
have a great day folks !.
One decision One day One event , today is the anniversary of the plunge that ruined my life .I was young and now I'm old and feel screwed over - OK my personal pity party is over If you made it this far thank you for just being out there.
Now my fading update, no meetings for 3 weeks they don't know yet I'm not coming back but thanks to this site and many helpful Youtube stories I have some tools to know how to play this game. Because this is a fade I have not been able to tell my story but it really is unique ,I can say at this time there is no wife or kids involved but I do have siblings in this and my oldest brother is a super strict witness to the point of being a bully but thankfully most of my extended family are not J-Dubs and that's what's going to help me get through this along with all of you . Have a great day folks !
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What Songs Best Fit you when you learned TATT and Afterwards?
by Wasanelder Once inthe work of john lennon best fit my situation.
first, i found out.
i found out.
Fading 2.0
by pale.emperor inthe following examples are true.
witnessed by myself and many many other jw's of my age generation.. they're examples of a successful fade, and a failed fade and what we can learn from them.. the successful fade.
sister c - she gets baptized at 19yo.