It's amazing that a bunch of window washers and janitors have the inside track on things. Like all their useful advice!?!
JoinedPosts by Overrated
Announcement December 3, 2020 FOR CONGREGATIONS
by pixel inannouncement.
december 3, 2020. for congregations.
1. covid-19 vaccine information: several covid-19 vaccines may soon be approved and.
Jehovah delivers sand for a Kingdom Hall project in Micronesia
by RULES & REGULATIONS inyou cannot make this up: financial help and the hand of jehovah complete project.
january 2016 jw broadcasting..... video starts at 35:30. a local design construction department manager named travis brooks tells a story about a building project on the island of yap, micronesia.
a small kingdom hall needs to be expanded because the facility wasn't big enough for those in attendance.
Gee-hovah is the most incompetent, unreliable thing you can trust in. It is right up there with Santa Claus and The Tooth Fairy. You get the same results if you pray to a gallon of milk.
Jehovah delivers sand for a Kingdom Hall project in Micronesia
by RULES & REGULATIONS inyou cannot make this up: financial help and the hand of jehovah complete project.
january 2016 jw broadcasting..... video starts at 35:30. a local design construction department manager named travis brooks tells a story about a building project on the island of yap, micronesia.
a small kingdom hall needs to be expanded because the facility wasn't big enough for those in attendance.
Gee-hovah this and Gee-hovah that. In reality Gee-hovah doesn't do shit.
We Knew Many JWs That Weren’t Right....what about xjws??
by minimus indo you think that when people leave the religion that they are basically now, “normal”?
or do you think it’s more a work in progress?.
Being a JW is just not normal. Too many restrictions. No personal growth. It's all about the Org. Once you get out you realize all the things you missed out on. Education, careers, opportunities. All for empty promises.
Jehovah`s witnesses not the only religion GOD is using now ?
by smiddy3 inwhen confronted with angus stewart’s blunt question “do you see yourselves as jehovah god’s spokespeople on earth?” the answer that came from jackson’s lips was astounding.. “that i think would seem to be quite presumptuous to say that we are the only spokesperson that god is using.
the scriptures clearly show that someone can act in harmony with god’s spirit in giving comfort and help in the congregations, but if i could just clarify a little, going back to matthew 24, clearly, jesus said that in the last days ‐ and jehovah’s witnesses believe these are the last days ‐ there would be a slave, a group of persons who would have responsibility to care for the spiritual food.
so inthat respect, we view ourselves as trying to fulfill that role.”.
But they are fallible and not inspired. Sounds like alot of bullshit to me. When asked by elders if I'm still a Jw and believe in the GB, my answer is sure. But my actions are completely opposite. Screw them.
by pontoon inso remember how assembling together is a command and no man or government can stop us, even if it means going 'underground', even if means being arrested, jailed, beat....can't stop us from assembling together----until covid.
now it's "false regligion" fighting for their constitutional right to meet together while the jws seem to be perefectly happy zooming their lives away..
Sheperdless- I think you're on to something there. I forsee the sale off of KH and just going zoom. A perfect on line religion. Everything online. The preaching work may still be around but reduced to their standing next to carts and sending letters that will be thrown away. More people I hope will wake up.
by pontoon inso remember how assembling together is a command and no man or government can stop us, even if it means going 'underground', even if means being arrested, jailed, beat....can't stop us from assembling together----until covid.
now it's "false regligion" fighting for their constitutional right to meet together while the jws seem to be perefectly happy zooming their lives away..
I could of taking classes if they started their zoom meetings along time ago. Oh that's right, they hate education until they need lawyers to advise them on all the scandal. A TV show is what Watchtower will become. I Predict that their 8 million members ( really 3 million) will drop into maybe 1 million or less.
Profits ,Not For Profit ,and Prophecy ( Profitcy )
by smiddy3 ini cant get my head around how a religion ,like the jehovah`s witnesses can be a not for profit organization ,that profits $ from wheeling and dealing in real estate ventures $ ,and also profits from being a multi media publishing company $ that in its heyday profited from volunteers selling their literature and now its venturing into the digital age of tv imaging ,video conferencing ,dvd`s and whatever else they can use.$$$.
making $$$ profits from all of these activities while still claiming to be a not for profit religion reaping in the $$$ profits selling prophecy (profitsy $$$).
it`s about time governments woke up to this charade ..
When I was in I thought, how wonderful! But when you wake up an see the real estate empire and now the media mega that was created from donation of others. And the question is: who really benefits from all this? I know I don't! Then the question of what purpose does it serve? Only a select few. It's a business under a Vail of being a church. It serves no one but the top elite in the group and gets handouts for being a 5013c.
If you leave the WT and don’t get vaccinated, you will still have the virus and keep getting sick
by pistolpete inso the past couple of years, i’ve read several stories about jws who left the organization at an early age because they knew something wasn’t right------but they never bothered to research the religion.
there was this feeling that the watchtower was not god’s only channel.
so they left at an early age.
I was always sick when I was a JW, both in mind and body. But after I quit being a JW, I got better and even more better.
So What Religion do You Claim to be when Entering Hospital?
by mikronboy ini've had a few medical procedures.
once, i had a massive loss of blood and needed 6 units of blood to replace the loss.
however, i'm curious as to what ex's state to be their religion when filling out the required paperwork when being admitted into a hospital.
None! But the Order of the Flying Invisible Spaghetti Monster.