I can see it now " JwDumbassU.Com Come learn from the rest of the Dumbasses!"
JoinedPosts by Overrated
JW Online University
by Tim207 ini have a family member who is a remote bethelite and they are working on creating content for online "university" for bethelites to teach them skills that are needed at bethel.
from what i've seen it is a lot of recorded content saved on their sharepoint sites.
i haven't seen any information on this from this site or reddit which i'm more active on.
by menrov inthe wt always said that preaching is a must for all christians as it was 'demanded' by jesus.
in the latest announcements, it has become clear the rank and file are only allowed to preach if the wt leaders approve.
in other words, all jw's are providing obedience to their wt leaders instead of jesus.
With the preaching work at a stand still maybe these azzholes will wake up! At least some of them.
Parking Attendant Training Videos
by Jofi_Wofo ini know that all of the assembly/convention attendant training videos have been leaked publicly, but has anyone gotten a hold of the parking training videos?.
i saw these about a year and a half ago, when i was still pimo.
as bizarre and manipulative as the attendant video series is, the parking videos put them to shame.
I remember working parking at Dodger Stadium back in the day when they would charge 8 to 10 bucks per car for parking. You know they made a bundle.
The Wwatchtower turning into a real laughing Stock
by Overrated inover the years watchtower has turned into a real joke in the world scene.
with the lawsuits, downsizing and decreasing numbers.
what they use to be is gone and they will never recover the numbers they once had.
When I was in the Trooth I had questions and questions. Was told to wait on Gee-hober or be careful that is borderline apostasy. I waited and waited on God's all knowing organization, Crickets! Then, The Internet and Google came out. It was all over for the "Trooth ".
The Holy Spirit made a mistake in selling off KHalls ?
by Splash ina couple of years ago the wt began their program of selling off dedicated kingdom halls and consolidating congregations into fewer halls.. had they kept these halls, more sparsely occupied as they were, they could by now be bringing everyone back while respecting the distancing laws.. jw’s love to find reasons how jehovah foresaw something and guided them, but it never works the other way when they make a decision that later on turns out to have been a bad idea..
Asp59- When I was in the trooth (growing up) the stink of going to college was something my parents enforced. As a young Jw man in the truth, struggling to pay for things and make plans. It was screw Watchtower on their damn donations. From the time I got baptized and woke up, I never gave Watchtower any money, but plenty of metal washers in their contribution boxes. Even some fake money.
JW's getting creative (or desperate) to preach during the pandemic ....
by EdenOne inso, there's this social game called second life.. there one creates an avatar and can lead a parallel life.
there's a bit of everything, from general environments to adult.
it can be a hub for creative people, it can be a magnet for creeps.
I see it on FB, YouTube, and even JW'S going to my email to count time. Very desperate to make hours. And I get crazy letters from time to time.
The Holy Spirit made a mistake in selling off KHalls ?
by Splash ina couple of years ago the wt began their program of selling off dedicated kingdom halls and consolidating congregations into fewer halls.. had they kept these halls, more sparsely occupied as they were, they could by now be bringing everyone back while respecting the distancing laws.. jw’s love to find reasons how jehovah foresaw something and guided them, but it never works the other way when they make a decision that later on turns out to have been a bad idea..
Since Watchtower is a business religion I see it turning into A tv / on line organization. Zooming will be the norm. The preaching will be optional. They will always be looking for new sucker$ just not by door to door anymore. They will still have convention$ for that is one of they money makers, it will happen after covid will slow to nil. They will like now will measure spiritual growth by how much you donate to Jw.Org.
Threating to Sue
by Ding inwhat is the wt doing these days if someone das but threatens to sue if the elders make an announcement that leads to shunning?.
i know the elders are supposed to notify the legal department, but what is the legal department telling them to do?.
When I was thinking about returning to Gee-hober, I had two elders at my home talking and discussing my personal life and what I need to do to return to Gee-hober. Little did they know I had a lawyer in the other room working on another project. Not remembering what was asked or said but the lawyer overheard something that just was not on the level and he called them out on it. They could not get out of there fast enough. My lawyer advised not to have any dealing with them and their organization.
The Wwatchtower turning into a real laughing Stock
by Overrated inover the years watchtower has turned into a real joke in the world scene.
with the lawsuits, downsizing and decreasing numbers.
what they use to be is gone and they will never recover the numbers they once had.
It's a painful joke! I lost family, opportunities for higher paying jobs and education, opportunities too long to list because of this craziness. Glad I wised up An got out.
The Wwatchtower turning into a real laughing Stock
by Overrated inover the years watchtower has turned into a real joke in the world scene.
with the lawsuits, downsizing and decreasing numbers.
what they use to be is gone and they will never recover the numbers they once had.
Over the years Watchtower has turned into a real joke in the world scene. With the lawsuits, downsizing and decreasing numbers. What they use to be is gone and they will never recover the numbers they once had. The things Watchtower comes out with now is a big laugh and people still that drink the kool-aid are as ridiculous as all get out.