More fake money for me to put in their boxes. Better stock up on monopoly money and metal washers from the hardware store.
JoinedPosts by Overrated
New terminology? “Donations in Support of Kingdom Interests Worldwide”
by Ultimate Reality inpetra/atlantis recently posted and supplied a document on donations.
what stood out to me, besides the usual nonsense, was the phrase, “donations in support of kingdom interests worldwide.”.
this appears to be a change in terminology from donations in support of the “worldwide work of jehovah’s witnesses.”.
The Worst doctrine of JWs- Ressurection and Paradise
by HowTheBibleWasCreated inbesides the facts that one needs to take numerous verses from the ot and nt and smash them together to make this theology (which works out to a modern day zorastriaism) the whole concept is realy horrific.. first it teachs that your life is worthless and should be exploited until the next one in paradise/or heaven.
second it teachs that you dead loved ones are still around either in heaven or jeblooper's memory.
so don't greive.
Promises that in no way in hell can ever be delivered. That is Watchtower.
2020-November-9--Donation Announcement! (as of 2020-10-13)
by Atlantis in2020-11-09 donation announcement.. .
donations in support of kingdom interests worldwide.. .
reply below and i'll swing by your pm box with a link.. .
I got some fake money I can send them. I call them " Geehovah Bucks" use to fill the boxes in the hall and the conventions with my trusty bucks. Fake money = Organization. Lol.
the bible god can not lie, but promotes lying prophets, today's wt study
by waton instudy 32, par 7 , cites 1 king 19-22 to prove that "jehovah" humbly asks angels their opinion.
-- not true, in effect.
the request was: who is going to go forth and lie for us, give a false prophecy?
As we all know Watchtower invented "information Spinning " and Fake News to fit their own agenda.
Disfellowhipped for not wearing facemask?
by Anna Marina inyup - person has done nothing wrong.
but they have called a judicial and from what i can tell refusing to wear a facemask is bothering them more than the person not turning up.. so is this new light?
if you have been called to a judical please remember to stay safe and wear your personal protective equimpment.
I don't understand why the guy is afraid of getting DF'd. Screw them! And move on with your life. It worked for me. I just walked. When the elders ask questions, I answer them with question. Or I tell them to stop wasting my time, get out of here. No answers from me. Nothing.
1914 a doctrinal lie that created an entire religion the Jehovah's Witnesses
by Finkelstein inwhen you think about it the jws was foundationaly created upon a single core doctrine which was created close to a 100 years ago, that is the doctrinal year of 1914 .. the leader(s) of the ibsa in 1919 proclaimed that jehovah had selectively chosen them or him as it were by j. rutherford, they also self identified themselves as the anointed class the faithful slave.. from all of these expressive endeavors a new religion sprung up eventually calling themselves the jehovah's witnesses.
years and decades followed where more and more people were lured into the faith making themselves subservient devoted members as well, some also identifying themselves as the anointed class.
the jws proclaimed through their leaders (gb) that they were true loyal witnesses to jehovah's will and purpose, but were they really ?
A very good description of Watchtower 's early life and base.
Disfellowhipped for not wearing facemask?
by Anna Marina inyup - person has done nothing wrong.
but they have called a judicial and from what i can tell refusing to wear a facemask is bothering them more than the person not turning up.. so is this new light?
if you have been called to a judical please remember to stay safe and wear your personal protective equimpment.
Paint with a 2 inch brush!?! Never heard that one before, but would not surprise me if it came from the creative minds of Watchtower. A bunch of monkeys with typewriters.
Disfellowhipped for not wearing facemask?
by Anna Marina inyup - person has done nothing wrong.
but they have called a judicial and from what i can tell refusing to wear a facemask is bothering them more than the person not turning up.. so is this new light?
if you have been called to a judical please remember to stay safe and wear your personal protective equimpment.
I knew of someone who got DF'd for falling behind and late in paying taxes. Anything goes in Watchtower land.
Sin came into the world - not true?
by menrov inmatt 5:27 “you have heard that it was said, ‘do not commit adultery.’ 28 but i say to you that whoever looks at a woman to desire her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.. this means that even before someone commits an act that is considered a sin or wrong but does think about it, that person actually already committed that sin or trespassing.. now read this:.
5:12 so then, just as sin entered the world through one man and death through sin, and so death spread to all people because all sinned— 13 for before the law was given, sin was in the world, but there is no accounting for sin when there is no law.. this means that there was already sin in the world before adam and eve actually ate the fruit.
Sin = Human Behavior. I think it's all human Behavior. Bad and Good. Sin in the Bible is a load of crap!
The Society and 1975.
by Lost in the fog instumbled upon this article - not that the wt society ever highlighted the date of 1975, but that was brothers running ahead... .
w68 8/15 pp.
494-501. .
I always loved Watchtower Math! Hard to explain and just does not work. Like everything else in Watchtower. Just pulled out of thin air with not much thought as to it making any sense.