Yes I'm an individual who no longer wants to be a member.
JoinedPosts by Overrated
Members or Individuals
by Dazed_Confussed inany truth to the thought that instead of being considered "members" of the jw organization, that they will shortly be considered only as "individuals" of the organization?.
2020 Annual Meeting of JW's
by HiddenPimo inso i doubt out of all the pimo's someone hasn't been able to leak that they had the annual meeting.
does this mean that there was not one for the first time in jw history.
Annual Meet also will include heavy parts on donations to the "world wide work" Tony Morris needs more scotch.
Is it because of Pride or Loyalty?
by joey jojo inin a recent effort to entice me back to meetings, an elder friend gave me the example of his dad.. he said that his pioneer/elder/ex-missionary dad went through the anticipation and disappointment of 1975 and yet, he kept going faithfully for decades afterwards.
the obvious point was that, if his dad can deal with disappointment, then, surely a nobody like me could do the same in regards to the scrapping of the 1914 generation doctrine, and all the other changes.
his 'encouragement' was to tell me that it was only me that felt like this, everyone else is fine and have no problems with the changes.
Once one develops critical thinking and asks the questions then, you come to the conclusion that your intelligence has been insulted. Which opens a huge box of questions. Watchtower can't or will not answer. Can no longer view them as credible.
2021 Regional Convention (will be prerecorded again)
by Designer Stubble in**announcement october 28, 2020 for congregations** .
[read after the watchtower study the week of october 26, 2020.\] 2021 regional convention: many have expressed great appreciation for the special arrangement to benefit from the 2020 regional convention during this coronavirus pandemic.
because of the uncertainty of holding large gatherings in 2021 and the evidence of jehovah’s blessing on this year’s convention program, the governing body recently approved the following arrangements for the 2021 regional convention program.
AAH, Another bullshit convention from Watchtower where they can boost about their make believe accomplishments. And provide reused spiritual food from last year with a new slant.
2020 Meeting Content/Schedule - Anyone know what is coming?
by JWTom inhello all - no 2020 midweek meeting content has been published yet.
anyone know or hear of what will be changed for 2020 due to the pandemic?
even my pimi family (i am pimo) is scratching their heads wondering why we are still reviewing content from 2017-2019 that talk about all the future plans, field service, etc etc etc....that have all been derailed due to covid-19.
Jehovah's chariot has four flat tires and a blown engine/transmission and is off on side of the freeway with no tow truck coming. It has been like that for a great while now.
HELP!! Just Woken Up - Fanatical Mom wants to report me
by Scarlett_Martin ini've just been introduced to this site by a pimo friend of mine.
this will be my first post on this website.
i need help, and he told me you guys are a very supportive community.. i'm a female in my mid twenties.
All of us on this site have or know someone who woke up like you. Every live is unique and difficult to give good advice. I was kicked out of father's house for no longer wanting to go to the meetings. I have been shunned by my family and people who know me. Everyone here has given good advice.
HELP!! Just Woken Up - Fanatical Mom wants to report me
by Scarlett_Martin ini've just been introduced to this site by a pimo friend of mine.
this will be my first post on this website.
i need help, and he told me you guys are a very supportive community.. i'm a female in my mid twenties.
I would get help with those suicidal thoughts. Your eyes are opened to the cult. You need to breathe. Do you have friends that can help you out? I was kicked out too. You need alot of help and planning. Do you have relatives that you can live with who are not in the cult? Your life seems scary right now but you will pull thru. We all have been there. Stay away from those elders, they will make things worst.
If a JW becomes inactive is he then labeled as an apostate?
by Pallbearer ini have heard a rumor that if a jw becomes inactive he or she is considered to be an apostate.
is this true?
has anyone here on this forum had such an experience?
Wow, I'm so glad I got a label. I have a label for Watchtower and their followers, " Dumbasses "!
Audio/Video Production Center
by Rattigan350 innew audio/video production center.
New Crap Factory.
Is Watchtower meant to be an actual shelter from reality
by ToyFish in'm a former member that has been out for the past few months and have been doing a lot of personal research.
i've been having mixed feelings about the gb whether or not their intentions are good or not.
the fact they have a protocol of moral lying through "theocratic warfare" very much turned me off from having anything to do with the org.
Toyfish- like all of us here who where once in the Org, by it's empty promises and worthless solutions. You can see Watchtower for what it is and what it is not, your eyes are opened. You now can live the best possible life you can with no guilt or any judgment. Out of the Org you will conclude that it was a bad chapter in your life and why did it take so long to get out? It took me 20 years to get out. I'm happy and will never look back. Feel sorry for those who are stuck in it.