Gee-hovah/ Watchtower = never.
Science = Yes.
Historical Fact= Proven, yes.
My self= Yes.
Gee-hovah/ Watchtower = never.
Science = Yes.
Historical Fact= Proven, yes.
My self= Yes.
this should work.
i don't know how long the link will be active.. .
" Be$t Convention Ever!" But ask anything about it they don't recall. I never understood why the same shit from last years convention is repackaged and cooked up and served. Boring and Bullshit.
I wonder who would count as a Governing Body- member? I guess I finally made ministerial servant. I'm too inexperience to be an elder. Here if we would count time and had ranks I'm sure we all be heavy hitters.
this should work.
i don't know how long the link will be active.. .
Nothing like a lapel badge to show what a total retard you are and with what group. I always lost mine and finally , lost the group. No longer looking like a retard.
most every state has a plan to get back to normalcy.
many countries also are ready to get their citizens on the road to recovery.. where does this leave the witnesses?
will they ever go back to house to house ministry?
Normal is not being a JW.
may 18, 2021. a deis hearing will be held may 26; public comments period ends june 21. by tina traster.
the town of ramapo will be accepting public comment on the proposed new world headquarters of jehovah’s witnesses audio/video production center now that the deis (draft environmental impact statement) is complete.
From Kingdumb Halls to JW Wood.
kingdom hall vaccine center.. .
Watchtower/ Gee-hober,Jehovah Witne$$e$ = money for Watchtower.
another youtube presenter falls foul of the wt society's legal team.
the watch tower copyright lawsuit targets creator of "dubtown" lego animations.
I love Parody. We need it. I hope Watchtower goes nowhere with Dubtown.
This is reason 40 why I don't believe or trust Watchtower. Dubtown is too much for Watchtower (Gee-hober) to handle speaks volumes as to why they would go after anyone for a parody Sounds like Gee-hober and Watchtower are very lame.
a newspaper article quotes a jw as saying "every (letter) i put in the mailbox, i feel, 'ah, this could reach somebody.
'" the article also quotes her as saying "we are accomplishing even more now than we were door-to-door because this way everybody in the house gets a chance to pick up that letter and respond to it.
it just feels good.
I got letter sometime ago. Opened it, read it, and had a good laugh. In recycling it went. The next letter was returned to sender.
i was talking to an ex-jw.
not been out as long as i have.. cut a long story short, i came to realise that i can no longer be bothered to debate jws if (on the rare occasion), i have encountered them.. i think that because i am somewhere circling a nihilistic atheist it seems pointless.
i just don't have the energy because i rarely even think about jw related garbage.
All depends on what type of JW you debate with.