JoinedTopics Started by thebrokenkite
11-5-17 Warwick Protest Photos
by thebrokenkite inlet the reader use discernment:.
i was disfellowshipped in june of last year.
while i've been awake for nearly a year, i still often feel groggy.
Exjw activists protesting inside a Kingdom Hall today!
by Crazyguy inspoonfed nomore, has uploaded a video on his youtube site, of exjw activists protesting inside a kingdom hall during this sunday meeting.
several people speak out.
if some one can put a link on here that would be awesome, i can’t figure out how to do it with an i phone.
Warwick Protest 11-5-2017 - Who's all going?
by Acluetofindtheuser in
Has anyone met Anthony Morris?
by The Real Edward Gentry inhe seems like he'd be very stern and a drag to have to be around.
obsessed with tight pants and homosexuals and all.
so what's he really like?.
What's Happening in Italy? Bethel Relocating Departments to Bologna?
by Room 215 inaccording to some websites, it appears there's going to be a transferral of several departments out of rome and to imola (bologna) in november, along with the sale of some property in the capital.. are they downsizing?
anyone know what's going on?.
Chapter 15 New Boy 50 years a Watchtower Slave
by new boy inchapter 15. inwood.
it turned out that in 1970 there was a lot of changes being made at bethel.
one of the major changes was that a bethelite didn’t have to go to kings county or the brooklyn heights congregations first before getting assigned out to a local kingdom hall in the new york city area.
Anyone in NYC available as a marriage witness?
by thebrokenkite ini've recently openly joined this community and already have a huge favor to ask: if you are in the nyc area, would you be willing to be my marriage witness this wednesday morning?
all of my family and friends are either active dubs or abroad, while my "worldly" fiancée is a fl transplant and still new to the city.
we're happy to provide modest compensation.
Wanting Less Involvement (long newbie story)
by DepthsResounding ini was raised a jw and am currently pioneer in a foreign language congregation.
i have been unhappy on and off with my involvement in this religion and am ready to step back again.
growing up i was always active but extremely reserved and a low hour publisher.
A "Simple Life": Who's Footing the Bill?
by thebrokenkite inafter much lurking and even sporadic posting under an alias account, i've decided to come out of the "apostate" shadows.
this month marks my 1-year disfellowshipping anniversary.
it's been a long, arduous journey, one that nearly took my life.
List of Branch Offices and Country Offices of Jehovah's Witnesses
by cedars ini'm trying to put together a comprehensive master list of watch tower society branch offices that corresponds roughly with the figure published in the worldwide report.. i feel it would be useful to monitor the number and location of existing branch offices, because i believe the distribution of branch offices worldwide is a good indicator of the society's financial wellbeing.
we now seem to be entering a period of branch office closures, with last year seeing an unprecendented 16% reduction in branch office numbers over the year before.
it will be interesting to see how things develop moving forward, but i'm hoping that by keeping a list of the offices we will be better placed to keep track of the "retreat" if branch office numbers continue to dwindle.. here we go.... .