Finkelstein, I thank you for the song too!
our friend, oompa, has passed away.
just recieved the news a couple of hours ago, and have almost no details.
it happened today or yesterday, he took his own life.
Finkelstein, I thank you for the song too!
***g7/09p.29 is it wrong to change your religion?***.
"no one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.".
ironically, the religion and publisher of this statement is one of the biggest offenders with their shunning policy of its members who come to the conclusion that their form of worship is unacceptable.. for some, this severe shunning is too much to bear.. me through this my old friends...i really did not want to be dfd!...i am fourth generation....i had already been shunned by my lifelong friends due to my outspoken words regarding my discovering we had changed the bible to make it say what jw's want it to...but now i have lost my family....oomps.
On top of my tears, I'm speechless, wannabefree.
peace to you,
blame the cult.
blame the cult.
blame the cult.. suicide is a very complicated behavior.. mental health professionals caution against assigning blame when people kill themselves.. being disfellowshipped is a life stress and some people are not equipped mentally to handle it.
((((((((((((Grace)))))))))))) We are SO HAPPY that you are here. And SO HAPPY that you are "mouthy" too! :-) Love you!
blame the cult.
blame the cult.
blame the cult.. suicide is a very complicated behavior.. mental health professionals caution against assigning blame when people kill themselves.. being disfellowshipped is a life stress and some people are not equipped mentally to handle it.
((((blondie)))) Thank you!
our friend, oompa, has passed away.
just recieved the news a couple of hours ago, and have almost no details.
it happened today or yesterday, he took his own life.
This has been the saddest news. There are SO many of us crying real tears too !!! As tornapart has said, "All JWs can see are angry negative apostates... these are real people, with real pain, real despair.... some like oompa are just hurting too bad to be able to cope with it." . Those words SCREAM the truth!
My heart goes out to his family, and to all of us here who are feeling the intense pain of Eric's passing.
R I P Eric
i dont remember the date.
or the year or if it was a district or circuit.
what i do remember is that we rode up with a car full of other female witnesses.
1978 at the Natick Assembly Hall in Natick MA.
just wanted to write a tribute to my best friend whom i lost last week, it was one of the most painful experiences i have ever been through.
i have no children, my puppy was my child.
i got him from a golden retriever rescue organization when he was 2. he was recovering from a car accident, still a bit skiddish, but he chose me to take him home (the foster mom said that he never responded to anyone like he did me).. he was always happy to see me, greet me with a toy in his mouth, he never judged me, never cared whether i was "bad association", he was always there when i needed to smile and remembe that i was not alone in the world.
Many of us know and have experienced your pain. Our dogs who have passed on will forever remain in our hearts.
unless i was having one of my pipe dreams, the borg has said that we should only research new publications and articles published by them.. if there's a reference in a watchtower/awake!
article to the tune of this, please can someone post it as well as the reference source?.
I don't think the WTS INC. has said not to read older publications. I think it's odd that it has ENCOURAGED JWs to read older publications but if anyone does read old publications and brings up old teachings from older publications in conversations with their fellow JWs, then they automatically get accused of reading "apostate material" and/ or accused of becoming an apostate. It's happened over and over again to many JWs who brought up old teachings of the WBTS INC. that they've read in older publications. Go figure.
thats what my soon to be exhusband just said to me.
i finally after 25 years of dealing with him and the jws and a litany of other shit, told him two weeks ago i want out.
he wrote me a letter this week and made a list of allllll the things he hates: about my beliefs, the fact that i left jehovah, broke my vows to god, my hobbies, celebrations, what i watch on tv, my parenting, keeping the kids out of the jws, not having any friends....and then said well i dont hate "you".
(((((((WLD)))))))) You can never say that you didn't give your marriage your all. Living like you have been for YEARS AND YEARS must have taken it's toll on your both physically and mentally. I think it's time to be HAPPY! I realize it'll be hard at first, but you'll probably be amazed at how peaceful you'll find yourself after the divorce is over and done with. I would take jgnat's advice seriously, and get on with your glorious life.
Your husband said, "I dont plan on staying single long but then that will be up to what you do. " HA! That made me laugh. I mean...really? ! What the heck is that? Is he telling you to have sex with someone so that he can succeed in HIS PLAN not stay single long? That's the way I would have taken it. Unbelievable!
I wish you nothing but the best and most of all, peace and happiness you very much deserve. You've been unhappy for far too long, but I understand why you stayed in the marriage as long as you have. Your children must be grown by now. I hope they are doing well!
peace to you,
this is a test to see how retro you are.. do you remember?.
doc bob.
watchtower observer.