That second article is saying to avoid the good fat in egg yolk and nice steak. This is wrong and extremely bad advice. They are saying seed oils and margarine are better than natural fat. This is absolutely dangerous advice and this alone proves that Jehovah is giving very bad advice here.
There is no way that good saturated fat in good quality fish and seafood should be avoided like Jehovah’s publications are saying there and replacing them with seed oils and margarine is extremely harmful advice.
Then they even say to heat the seed oils to very high temperatures. This advice is so very harmful.
”Cook the food until it is very hot. ”
my thoughts are that these seed oils and margarine are harmful but if you follow watchtower advice and Cook seed oils and margarines until it is very hot it is even more harmful to the point of extreme
this is absolutely unbelievably bad and toxic advice from Jehovah’s organisation. The writing department is directly responsible for leading 8 million Jdubs away from healthy fatty meat, seafood and egg yolk. This is the health fat and not the seed oils Cooked until it is very hot.
They honestly have got it exactly the opposite way around. How can this be the one true religion when the direction is so dangerous