JoinedTopics Started by Teddnzo
JWlite can be the purple pill
by Teddnzo ini really like the red pill analogy in the matrix.
the one guy wishes he didn’t take the red pill and would have preferred to take the blue pill.. many used to be pimi which is the blue pill and then they wake up to the fact that the gb are not who they claim to be which is taking the red pill.. they go through conflict and confusion as to what to believe now?
does god exist?
The Governing Body has decided that publishers can use their Bible-trained conscience
by Teddnzo inthe governing body has decided that publishers can use their bible-trained conscience.. this could be the go to phrase for everything.
then no more court cases and millions in fines.. i bet they wish they did this for the vaccines.
but no they did not stay neutral they said jehovah’s direction in stay fully vaccinated or you can’t go to any of the schools.. in the future all rules could be just “the governing body has decided that publishers can use their bible-trained conscience”.
JW prepper fiction
by Teddnzo inthere have been a few fictional books written about jw interpretations of the future.
one brother called ek johnson has written a few jw prepper fictional books based on jw timeline of events great tribulation and all.. i love prepper fiction particularly post apocalyptic prepper fiction but not zombie fiction i’m fed up of those.
i view jw fiction the same as the rest, just like any good fiction.
Current light on will die at Armageddon?
by Teddnzo inmy wife zoe and i often talk about her grandmother who has never been a jw but is an excellent christian by other opinions.
she has led such a good life always kind and tried to follow jesus example.
before the agm new light my wife often thought according to current light is that as long as she dies before armageddon she will be resurrected.
by Teddnzo ineven elders can be part of the new jw lite brigade these days.
they don’t need to go on door to door anymore and there is no requirement for anything really.. taking meeting parts is all dead easy you could turn up on the day with zero preparation because it’s all in the meeting workbook.. quarterly elders meetings are just old men having a good old natter just like old men do down the pub.. congregations could be likened to pubs or bars these days just without the drinks, those come at other times.. no need for territory maps, these almost went away with covid letter writing now they are extremely slow getting finished as those who still go door to door only do ten mins.. you could even voice your questions these days about things the gb say and then just say “we can’t be dogmatic we just don’t know”.
i predict they will say this about 1914 soon..
Steve Lett doesn’t look well
by Teddnzo inas soon as you see steve letts talk at the agm you think to yourself “oh my, what’s happened to him?.
his hand has plasters and his skin doesn’t look healthy, like he has inflammation or something serious going on.. he had put on weight and is all bloated and puffy .
his skin really doesn’t look good, the kind of inflammation many people notice after the experimental covid vaccines.. there have been very high numbers of people reported inflammation after the experimental covid vaccines.
Broke people can’t help broke people
by Teddnzo inmost ex jws are bitter and twisted.
they have a chip on their shoulder that they wasted so much of their life.
many end up making a proper mess of their lives perfectly exemplified by lloyd evans.. yet on the other hand for those leaving the cult it is only ex members of the cult who could ever understand what they are going through .
Two biggest issues for Watchtower right now
by Teddnzo inselena accused tony morris of being involved in child abuse and the pimo bethelite who just got kicked out.
let’s see how this rolls out.
Chelmsford Dedication
by Teddnzo inzoe has nephew in the new bethel and we have been there to visit him.
even had a meal in the new dinning room and had a tour.. it was a bit underwhelming and the display of old bibles open to pages showing jehovah’s name is supposed to prove everything they say is spot on!.
everyone is talking about the upcoming dedication where members of the gb are flying over.
Could this be the end of JWs? What are the consequences if it is?
by Teddnzo inmultiple very serious allegations against tony and then huge efforts to remove him from all pictures and videos, have to admit it doesn’t look good.. once the pennsylvania investigation becomes public knowledge and front page news it will be very very hard for 8 million pimis.. is it possible that this could be the largest problem the branch has ever faced?
larger than 1975, the overlapping generations or any other ‘test of faith’.
many will feel heartbroken and betrayed.