King of the south is UK&USA along with their allies Israel and most of the Christian world.
King of the North is Russia&China along with most of the Muslim and Buddhist world.
Its all coming to a head.
what's next for the world?
a year ago i edited a map of the world to include some big arrows to tell the story of what is to come.
and i shared that map with various friends.
King of the south is UK&USA along with their allies Israel and most of the Christian world.
King of the North is Russia&China along with most of the Muslim and Buddhist world.
Its all coming to a head.
a department in bethel wants to try to make money from regional conventions by asking local hotels if they will give a special rate and a coupon code to give to jws.. .
they should just keep it simple and not be greedy for dishonest gain.. .
this year some convention sites the hotels said no thank you i think the jws are going to book with us anyway.
Is the org that desperate for money that they try to make a profit from hotels?
I remember we used to have food made by volunteers at the convention and then they simplified it and said bring your own pack lunch. This was much more simple.
Why do the brothers at Bethel spend so much time talking to hotel managers and trying to get some of the profits from JWs staying with them. Just like the pack lunches wouldn’t it be better to just say please plan out your own accommodation.
These brothers spending all that time ringing hotels would be better spending that time doing something else
Can anyone confirm if it’s photoshop?
Freedom of thought and religion (specifically for apostates in this case).
They always make a big deal in court about freedom of thought for themselves. They make a big deal about religious discrimination and play the victim.
But they would never consider that they discriminate someone who used to be a witness now thinks they are wrong about something and chooses to believe something else.
With the gay videos they said to say to gay people “we don’t push our beliefs on you so please don’t force me to have your beliefs”
I wish JWs would be like this
i’ve decided to disassociate from the jw organisation.
i cannot be part of a community that blatantly rejects the sacrifice of jesus in that demonic memorial ritual.
amazing what information you find when you start researching.. i’m writing my letter and posting it to the kingdom hall this morning.
I meant to say never coming back
Those men who thought up this evil practice really have caused so much misery and break up of families and friends.
And then to openly lie about it and say “it’s only spiritual things we don’t talk about but we will talk about other things” this is a lie. Unless we will have new light doing a U turn and say we can talk to them just not about spiritual things.
So we are trapped by men long since dead who thought up this evil practice of shunning someone just because they no longer share your interpretation of the Bible.
I don’t blame my life long friends who are such good people. I blame the evil men who thought up this evil insanity.
The best thing we could all do is ignore it. That’s what Zo and I do. We are JW lite and will still talk to any old friends who leave the organisation and tell them we are staying JW lite for the good friends that are still in. Some who have left have said they wished they did the same as us.
If Elders come to talk to you about why you still talk to those who were announced as no longer a JW then tell them I thought we had new light saying just don’t talk about spiritual things? I can show you the video here listen to this….
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
He is obviously a very mixed up old man. Past midlife crisis stage this is later life catastrophe.
He kids won’t want to speak to him once they are old enough to do a Google search. He knows this.
His plan of living off making YouTube videos is going downhill fast. Soon he will have only a couple of hundred patrons probably giving an average of $10 month or something like that. In time it will get less and less.
He has admitted to being suicidal and on medication for mental health. Then he admitted to stopping taking them cold turkey against the advice of medical professionals.
He has talked before about experimenting with illegal drugs and it sound like he is on a self destructive path downhill.
He may think he is near the bottom of the barrel but there is further to go down once he can’t pay his rent and is homeless in a country that he has never bothered to learn the language.
His best bet now is try to sincerely apologise and try to build back bridges he burned. If he genuinely shows a humble attitude get a job and show he is sorry then he will have many forgive him.
He should be honest with his kids when they are old enough. Without trying to use excuses and blame JWs for his downward spiral. If you are reading Lloyd then don’t try and say sexual repression and the JWs are to blame. Many times throughout history humans waited until marriage before sex, and they all didn’t cheat on their wives with prostitution. And they certainly didn’t ask their wife to buy condoms to go on sex holidays
i’ve decided to disassociate from the jw organisation.
i cannot be part of a community that blatantly rejects the sacrifice of jesus in that demonic memorial ritual.
amazing what information you find when you start researching.. i’m writing my letter and posting it to the kingdom hall this morning.
I don’t blame them for that. I blame the men who thought up this evil practice of shunning. They are still real friends who will be there for you but they have been deceived. We have to keep that in mind.
I know of somebody recently his name is James Treadwell, his nickname was Bob in Bethel dinning room in London. He has just been disfellowshiped I think it’s because he is obviously gay.
Everyone really likes him he is such a great guy. I’ve heard people say “it’s harder on us than it is on him” I think it’s hard on everyone but particularly for the one being shunned.
I can think of so many others over the years, really good people who for one reason or another they have left the organisation.
Some say we just have to wait for them to come back then we can talk to them again, but they truth is they are now coming back.
i just saw on a video that there has been a change about further education.
here is a screenshot of a letter that went to all elders.
i am an elder but i don’t remember this one, perhaps it is only for some areas?.
That letter is fake there has been no U turn on education just as there has been no U turn on being fully vaccinated before getting involved in any training schools.
w72 10/1 p. 607 - "they (jw's) know that soon now all who are not true worshipers of jehovah (jw's) will be destroyed.".
how quickly half a century passes by!
2 peter 3:8 - " day is with jehovah jw.borg as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.
"raised in the truth" during the 50s, 60s,and 70s i repeatedly read and heard from the platform how reading the magazines weekly "was the equivalent of a college education" and how many had turned their family economic situation around by being "trustworthy" and giving up expensive bad habits most "worldly people" had.
sounded good.. what is the reality?
how does avoiding higher education, and then spending up to 20 hours a week getting ready for, commuting, and then participating in meetings and field service affect family finances?.
I do have huge regrets listening to and believing the lies of this cult. I believed I would not leave school so didn’t work that hard. Then I pioneered straight away with min wage part time jobs, I struggled when I got married and still struggling to this day. But always taught don’t worry the end is so close now.
Never bought a house because that would have been a lack of faith. Now rents in the UK are shooting up that pioneers can only afford housing in very poor rough conditions.
When I think about the life I could have had if I had a Career anything other than pioneering for free all those decades. And for what? Now our retirement is going to be very hard and full of regret. Thank you Jehovah