It is a good question how far you can go questioning the GBs direction without being accused of causing division? I think the answer is pretty far if it’s done the correct way.
You would be perfectly fine quoting the AGM 2023 that “the GB are not inspired and not infallible. So maybe they made a mistake saying the vaccines were from Jehovah and maybe they were wrong when they said would Jehovah help all his full time servants get fully vaccinated if they were not safe?”
You could even voice your concerns that maybe the direction was wrong to not go for further education and get better job? Maybe the GB got it wrong when they said millions now living will never die. Maybe our generation will grow old in this system and that would mean the GB got it wrong.
Notice I keep saying maybe and not definitely. Then you could not get accused of causing division.
You could say maybe the GB are wrong about 1914. But always say something nice about them in the end, well they are just imperfect brothers and they have admitted they are not inspired and they do get things wrong. They are doing their best.
what would happen if a number of people openly spoke this way? It really is happening in circles that Zo and I are in. Sometimes we go even further than this with the right ones.
but some say to us “well yes maybe we are not correct about the 1914 thing, but it’s still the truth.”
I think there will be the regular JWLITE and then the even more lighter version of JWLITE we’re ones don’t think it is the truth at all, but just about stay physically in and completely mentally out.