I meant to say never coming back
Those men who thought up this evil practice really have caused so much misery and break up of families and friends.
And then to openly lie about it and say “it’s only spiritual things we don’t talk about but we will talk about other things” this is a lie. Unless we will have new light doing a U turn and say we can talk to them just not about spiritual things.
So we are trapped by men long since dead who thought up this evil practice of shunning someone just because they no longer share your interpretation of the Bible.
I don’t blame my life long friends who are such good people. I blame the evil men who thought up this evil insanity.
The best thing we could all do is ignore it. That’s what Zo and I do. We are JW lite and will still talk to any old friends who leave the organisation and tell them we are staying JW lite for the good friends that are still in. Some who have left have said they wished they did the same as us.
If Elders come to talk to you about why you still talk to those who were announced as no longer a JW then tell them I thought we had new light saying just don’t talk about spiritual things? I can show you the video here listen to this….