The 3 most important words you'll ever want to take heed of...
not a lot to say, except that i studied with jw's then gave up when i realised it wasn't the truth as they call it.. the ordinary jw's are generally nice people, but their elders are mostly little dictators from what i saw.
look forward to meeting people here who are less judgemental..
The 3 most important words you'll ever want to take heed of...
i hope it's all clear now..
I hope it's all clear now.
just recently there have been calls from heavyweight statesmen to set up a new global authority to tackle the covid-19 pandemic and the economic crisis it creates.they are henry kissinger, former uk primeministers gordon brown and tony blair.former prime minister of uk, tony blair is fervently advising governments around the world how to get the corona virus under control and how to restart the economy after the lockdown.
he is running tony blair institute for global changeon its webpage we can learn about his work with this: ... t-covid-19"create one crisis-management centre.
governments should have already repositioned themselves towards crisis management.
Kosonan is too nuts even for the Dubs, hence the disfellowshipping I reckon.
Hey this is a good thread for choosing my lottery numbers.
having commented earlier on experts' differing views, here's a prominent german physician/politician - wolfgang wodarg - who made controvorsial statements that the coronavirus "pandemic" is not out of the ordinary and that italy's mortality rate (8,215 deaths from coronavirus so far) is no greater than it would normally be from the 'flu virus.
in 2017/18 approx 18,000 italians died due to the flu.. the wikipedia section - controversial theses in the 2020 covid 19 crisis - is worth examining.
I think your numbers may be wrong, China with a population of 3.3 billion? Is it not roughly 1.5 billion?
german files that arrived today.. .
the final order was issued few hours ago:.
the record establishes that darkspilver made fair use of the watch tower ad and chart.
We certainly won't be reading that in JW news.. quick! we need more persecution stories to fill the space.
i was informed today by a jw that the watchtower doesn't use images and propaganda to instil fear.
i would really like to see a compilation of all their armageddon illustrations.
maybe a thread or web page already exists that had this content.. the one i am really wanting is the most recent picture of the witnesses in the basement during the tribulation.. this will be a massive help so thank you..
Fookin el, has it really been 5 years since the basement (cellar) picture shenanigans?
i was looking at my children's watch history on youtube when i saw that they were watching atheist content!!!
what should i do?
Much better than watching Caleb and Sofia.
i was raised in it.
there were questions, but the psychological abuse prevented me from ever really getting answers.
i am naturally a logical thinker in spite of my decades of indoctrination, and my brain just never could get passed things that were glaringly huge issues.
If I could recommend something on YouTube, recommended for all here, a channel called Watchtower Examination.
It is helping me a great deal with my fade.
Wishing you good luck.