teejay: what does that have to do with morality? Not everyone believes sex is a mindless act involving two adults with no emotional connection whatsoever. Before you try to remove the splinter from my eye, remove the rafter from yours.
JoinedPosts by spender
Agnostic Apostate Morals Kick In
by COMF indespite my response in teejay's "taboo" thread - http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=25580&site=3 - in which i supported the idea of polyamory, i am presently in a relationship which is monogamous by mutual agreement.
i was fascinated and intrigued by the lady, and attracted to her, enough to make that commitment when she explained that it had to be that way or we'd need to go separate ways.. that relationship is presently at a rough spot, one which i described to somebody recently as "that point you reach, where all the spark is gone but you haven't put it out of its misery yet.
" her parents have been visiting from out of state since wednesday (it's saturday as i write) and we haven't seen each other since last monday.
Agnostic Apostate Morals Kick In
by COMF indespite my response in teejay's "taboo" thread - http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=25580&site=3 - in which i supported the idea of polyamory, i am presently in a relationship which is monogamous by mutual agreement.
i was fascinated and intrigued by the lady, and attracted to her, enough to make that commitment when she explained that it had to be that way or we'd need to go separate ways.. that relationship is presently at a rough spot, one which i described to somebody recently as "that point you reach, where all the spark is gone but you haven't put it out of its misery yet.
" her parents have been visiting from out of state since wednesday (it's saturday as i write) and we haven't seen each other since last monday.
Going through with it would have affected others in a bad way. I think that's what determines whether something is "moral" or not. I don't see any point in those kinds of philosophical discussions about things that are concrete. Discussing morals isn't exactly in the same league of discussion of "what is truth?"
Agnostic Apostate Morals Kick In
by COMF indespite my response in teejay's "taboo" thread - http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=25580&site=3 - in which i supported the idea of polyamory, i am presently in a relationship which is monogamous by mutual agreement.
i was fascinated and intrigued by the lady, and attracted to her, enough to make that commitment when she explained that it had to be that way or we'd need to go separate ways.. that relationship is presently at a rough spot, one which i described to somebody recently as "that point you reach, where all the spark is gone but you haven't put it out of its misery yet.
" her parents have been visiting from out of state since wednesday (it's saturday as i write) and we haven't seen each other since last monday.
yea...continuing on with what detective said...i think it's good that you did get out of that situation, and i definitely commend you for that. My only problem was that the ending of the post seemed a bit self-righteous, considering what had just happened. You allowed it to escalate to a point...further than I would have let it go, but everyone's different, and it's not my place to try to force my values on you. Sorry for being harsh in the previous posts.
New "JW" beer! WOW!!!!!
by moman inlite beer: ya got your bud-lite, miller-lite,coors-lite etc.
& what makes them a lite?.
they just add water, lol, what a gimic, you make twice the beer from the same money.... well, now there is "new-lite" a beer made just for .
I know millions of people that would be interested in such a refreshing drink!
Agnostic Apostate Morals Kick In
by COMF indespite my response in teejay's "taboo" thread - http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=25580&site=3 - in which i supported the idea of polyamory, i am presently in a relationship which is monogamous by mutual agreement.
i was fascinated and intrigued by the lady, and attracted to her, enough to make that commitment when she explained that it had to be that way or we'd need to go separate ways.. that relationship is presently at a rough spot, one which i described to somebody recently as "that point you reach, where all the spark is gone but you haven't put it out of its misery yet.
" her parents have been visiting from out of state since wednesday (it's saturday as i write) and we haven't seen each other since last monday.
I must be missing something...I would feel very guilty about kissing another woman. Is the lack of dignity the "main point" i'm missing here?
Agnostic Apostate Morals Kick In
by COMF indespite my response in teejay's "taboo" thread - http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=25580&site=3 - in which i supported the idea of polyamory, i am presently in a relationship which is monogamous by mutual agreement.
i was fascinated and intrigued by the lady, and attracted to her, enough to make that commitment when she explained that it had to be that way or we'd need to go separate ways.. that relationship is presently at a rough spot, one which i described to somebody recently as "that point you reach, where all the spark is gone but you haven't put it out of its misery yet.
" her parents have been visiting from out of state since wednesday (it's saturday as i write) and we haven't seen each other since last monday.
my apologies then, I guess I'm the only one who recognizes the importance of keeping promises, and can understand when a situation could get out of hand and be able to think with the head that has a brain, and not the other one.
Agnostic Apostate Morals Kick In
by COMF indespite my response in teejay's "taboo" thread - http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=25580&site=3 - in which i supported the idea of polyamory, i am presently in a relationship which is monogamous by mutual agreement.
i was fascinated and intrigued by the lady, and attracted to her, enough to make that commitment when she explained that it had to be that way or we'd need to go separate ways.. that relationship is presently at a rough spot, one which i described to somebody recently as "that point you reach, where all the spark is gone but you haven't put it out of its misery yet.
" her parents have been visiting from out of state since wednesday (it's saturday as i write) and we haven't seen each other since last monday.
No, I would have given her the CD. Since when does that include kissing and groping? Not since I last checked...and you certainly weren't forced to.
Seen the GB Lately?
by Prisca ini was wondering:.
has anyone seen any of the governing body lately?
how is their health?
haha, that reminds me of a prayer at one of the conventions...the guy had it all written out...he was giving it like he was giving a talk...kept looking at the audience, only had his head down to look at his paper! then he didn't say "amen" at the end of it...makes for an awkward prayer since noone knows it's over. Also dubs were instructed before that that the person giving the prayer should say "amen".
Agnostic Apostate Morals Kick In
by COMF indespite my response in teejay's "taboo" thread - http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=25580&site=3 - in which i supported the idea of polyamory, i am presently in a relationship which is monogamous by mutual agreement.
i was fascinated and intrigued by the lady, and attracted to her, enough to make that commitment when she explained that it had to be that way or we'd need to go separate ways.. that relationship is presently at a rough spot, one which i described to somebody recently as "that point you reach, where all the spark is gone but you haven't put it out of its misery yet.
" her parents have been visiting from out of state since wednesday (it's saturday as i write) and we haven't seen each other since last monday.
don't get too full of yourself...I wouldn't even put myself in a situation like that. Just because things aren't going to well with your current relationship doesn't allow you to forget about your promises. Put yourself in the other person's shoes...I don't think you would like to be treated that way either. It's important that both people respect the relationship and each others' feelings.
Seen the GB Lately?
by Prisca ini was wondering:.
has anyone seen any of the governing body lately?
how is their health?
AlanF: I think it was brother Barber that we saw 2 (maybe 3) years ago at the convention in DC. They had two guys wheeling him in on a wheelchair, then he got up with his cane and walked to the podium. He looked like he was in his 80's.