Comforter - Can you please learn how to use the quote button...Actually it doesn't matter because you really haven't backed up any of your arguments with any fact. The only arguments that you have pursued have been grammer ones. Do us all a favor and back yourself up with something substantial. Plus the only thing you are doing is managing to prove how ignorant you are about your own religion. Maybe you should think for yourself, give YOR own opinions not the WTTS and then, only then we would have a smidgen of respect for the things that you post.
BTW - my original quote that you soo took out of context and started this flame thread with, was indeed a get over yourself already.
PS - I noticed that you never responded to me after the accusation that we dont put our real names or pictures up. I proved you wrong and didn't even get an acknowledgement. (If I was wrong I would freely admit it...however you on the other hand..I guess we shall see the type of person you are and whether you will own up to that or not)