ok...I'm justing kicking this back up to the top....
Good idea btw Simon!
after reading all the comments about the watchtower observer, and knowing the amount of traffic the site is generating, i have come to the decition it would be a shame to let the site itself go down in flames.
so, here is the deal: .
im interested in someone who is willing to run the watchtower observer, and by that im talking about taking over the observer.org domain!
ok...I'm justing kicking this back up to the top....
Good idea btw Simon!
going to the assembly this year?
are you ready to fall asleep by 10:05am when the opening song and prayer are over?
wonder how you'll ever make it to 5 o'clock without losing it?
omg those were great Mary.
You had me giggling...
and almost tempted me to go to one just to pull some pranks
from "making marriage work" by clifford r. adams, ph.d., in ladies home journal, january 1949.
is he a good husband?
to be fair to your husband, please don't answer these questions unless you are emotionally calm and in a pleasant mood.
Finally for the women.....
WTG Puff!!!!!
when i meet somebody for the first time i always have a few standard questions i ask them...so how about it.
i would like to know about all you wonderful people that i chat and post with on a daily basis.
this is me (i edited to put the link in by stephanus...thanks a bunch) .
Nikita - I can see your pic just fine
when i was a baby i was walking along and i saw a flower.
it was all colorful and pretty so i picked it and showed it to my mother, she called it a "flower" and i held it and kept it with me until it turned brown and faded away.. as the years went by i saw many flowers and i passed many of them without notice, even stomped a few on accident as i walked threw the field to a new destination.
the years passed so fast and so many flowers were around, and yet i only took a fading glimpse at best.. then one day i was sitting in a field wondering what the universe was all about and why life was even here.
Thank you...you just broght back a good childhood memory (or rather one my mother always liked). She said that when I was little I would always find the tiniest flower, the kind that usually got ignored and picked it for her. Maybe thats why I always stick up for the underdog .
Anyway...I do my best nowadays to always appreciate the little things.
Thanks again for the memory...I will now have to go find a flower.
the good wife's guide
originally printed in a 1955 issue of housekeeping monthly and a home economics textbook .
1) have dinner ready.
Sheesh...Now I know why I'm glad I didn't live in the 50's.
Funnie though....my mother still does some of those things for my father...
I think that if you grew up in that era and under the dubs..you really don't have a chance.
not that my mom would ever visit this site - but i have to just vent.
last night my mom promised she would meet me at home to help me move some furniture.
she made it seem like it was a tremendous deal and the only reason why she would be by would be because she had something else to do in the neighbourhood.
I can only imagine how hard that must be for you. My parents still speak to me. Just hang in there and eventually I'm sure she will see that you aren't the horrible person the WTS society makes you out to be. Please vent as much as you need to.
Chin Up
i'll put spare change in my bra.
and I thought I was the only one that did that.
as can be learned from reading my posts, i have been really questioning belief systems lately.
yesterday, while browsing at barnes & noble, i noticed several religious books, each espousing its cure for human weakness.
i remembered how it was of utmost importance as a jw that others see the love we had, since we alone had the holy spirit, and christ's followers would be easily recognized by this love.
First off...Happy Anniversay...may you have many more to come.
Second...I congratulate you on your new search. Sometimes we get ourselves lost in the shuffles of everyday life distractions. Meditation is a great way to counter the effect and learn who you are and will enable you to not worry about the end result but focus on the journey itself.
Peace and love to you!
excerpted from "what do dogs know?
dogs can sense more than just oncoming seizures.
richard simmons, a research associate working on a project supported in part by the u.s. national institutes of health, told me a story about marilyn zuckerman of new york and her shetland sheepdog, tricia.
If animals have the ability to sense drastis changes in weather I would definately believe they could do the same for us.
Wow....thats simply amazing. Thanks for sharing the story.