When I was a kid, I asked my mom about life on other planets, and she asked the elders. She got back to me w/ an Awake article about it, quoting the scripture that says something like "to Jehovah the heavens belong, but the earth he has given to the sons of men." They applied that to mean that we're it; there's no other life out there except spirit creatures. Also, I've heard them say that, since any life "out there" would have to have been created by Jehovah, and since it would have to be intelligent life (otherwise what would be the point, in their view), there must not be any. Because our species' "challenge" is still going on, and therefore any other intelligent life would have to have been created before us, and therefore our challenge would be unnecessary. (If that other species had failed their test, then Jehovah wouldn't have created us until the challenge was settled, in which case our challenge would be unnecessary; he could point to the end result of that other one and another millenia-long challenge would be pointless... Ditto if they'd passed their test in the first place)...
Getting away from the religious mumbo-jumbo, I was very interested in the discovery of apparently recent erosion marks on Mars, which geologists & others said had to have come from running water coming up from underneath the ground... Anyone heard anything on this lately?
Also, on the meteorite(s?), I thought it'd been shown that the "fossil" marks there could have easily been made by non-life chemical processes... I'd rather believe that they are actual fossil impressions, but the last I heard was that this is unlikely... Please tell me if I'm wrong, because I would love to know about it if there's still an ongoing debate.
And finally, the "faces"... sigh. If I remember right, those were also disproved last time an observer craft took pictures of those sites; with greater clarity in modern tech, it turned out that the faces were caused by shadows of geological features And I *so* wanted them to be the remnants of a great Martian civilization... A Martian Sphinx if you will