HUMANS CANT BE TRUSTED THATS MY ATTITUDE!!!! I say this because its true, think about it takes years to get to know someone, maybe 10 years later you may say i really trust this person or persons,but all sudden those you thought you could trust do something to hurt you,betrayal,theft,backstabbing,assault,dishonesty,liar,deception,etc.Even on here i dont really know any of you, all i do is just type and that suits me, you seem to be people of all walks of life some upset,confused,happy etc.But that doesnt mean what you say in your words reflects the "real you" .Whether you belive in god or evolution etc it makes no difference we all have imperfect desires in us and give it the right moment and they may be unleashed,you may think im paranoid but "im not" i just dont have much trust for humans good or bad and i dont even trust myself sometimes.
I dont trust anyone!
by haujobbz 21 Replies latest jw friends
I dont either....
for the most part---people SUCK!!!
You sound very typical of those in the borg and out..."I cannot trust anyone's stories..." Well my frined, sooner or later you must take sides, or believe one side more than the other. Where will you be? Do you want to place yourself on the side that lies about so many important life issues, or on the side that is one of reason and open to really seeking answers? It is your choice and you can decide where the Jehovah's Witnesses fit in to the above schema. TRUST YOURSELF.
District Overbeer
Trust is very closely related to love as trust and love go hand in hand. Do you trust yourself? Do you love yourself? When you speak of trusting someone, do you mean you trust that they will never do anything wrong or anything to hurt you? If so, do you think this is a reasonable expectation?
In our relationships with each other we will always do things to hurt each other. Sometimes trust has to be rebuilt. Give people a chance, otherwise you will miss out on love and that is the most important thing in life.
or maybe I'm just trying to mess with your head
it takes years to get to know someone, maybe 10 years later you may say i really trust this person or persons,but all sudden those you thought you could trust do something to hurt you,betrayal,theft,backstabbing,assault,dishonesty,liar,deception,etc.
Very true. But isn't that because we come to care for them? Those who we love have the ability to hurt us more than anyone else because we expect better from them. No one can hurt you more than someone you love.
My distrust in humans wasnt caused by any religious authority,even before i was religious i was still cautious about humans, religious or non-religious didnt really come into the equation, The point im trying to make is you cant trust anyone.One more thing, when i was religious i didnt trust most of the believers or religious types i sensed something about the religious system as a whole which then prompted me to investigate my beliefs,so my distrust and cautiousness help me to evaluate the situation and disassociate myself from that movement.Then where am i know, have i got peace of mind, in this uncivilised world i dont think so.Ill leave you with some typical examples of human nature:( im anointed,i had a religious experience,im your true friend,i have special blessings from above,im right there wrong,you can trust me,im not like the others,i love you,i know myself better than anyone,im reliable,im have wisdom,im different to the others) .
Dizzy Cat
Sorry dude, but you make no sense whatsoever.
Seek therapy.
I've had this paranoia off the back of a bad acid trip years ago. You'll get over it.
I gotta go with Joanna on this one.
To not trust ANYone else is to deny ourselves participation in the beauty of humanity. It is paranoid and sociopathic.
Sure, there will be those who betray our trust, and we will feel that pain, but that is part of the human experience. The transcendent inspiration of friendship and trust far surpasses the disappointment of betrayal, just as true love leaves memories long after that love fades and dies.
"At the bottom of the heart of every human being from earliest infancy until the tomb, there is something that goes on indomitably expecting, in the teeth of all experience of crimes committed, suffered, and witnessed, that good and not evil will be done to him. It is this above all that is sacred in every human being."
Simone Weil (1909-43), French philosopher, mystic. "Human Personality" (written 1943; published in Selected Essays, ed. by Richard Rees, 1962)."It is impossible to go through life without trust: that is to be imprisoned in the worst cell of all, oneself."
Graham Greene (1904-91), British novelist. The Ministry of Fear, bk. 1, ch. 3, sct. 2 (1943).Craig
Sorry, but our desires are imperfect compared to what? I think humans are perfect; some don't realize they're perfect and so aren't acting like it. If you do the best you can, then how can you possibly fit the description of "imperfect?" It's all a perception game IMO.
I think I know what you're talking about, and I don't fully trust anyone either. If you're looking for perfection, you'll never find it. Everyone has their faults, and we just have to put up with each other.