I had a conversation with my doctor. I decided to use blood. I wanted to know my blood type. Since I'm having blood work done,I asked the doctor to run this test for type of blood. No can do! Isn't justified. The doctor said to go donate blood. I have had previous surgeries but my chart doesn't list blood type. Do others feel comfortable giving blood? Using and giving seems to be apples and oranges thing.
Posts by spike
Give blood?
by spike ini had a conversation with my doctor.
i decided to use blood.
i wanted to know my blood type.
Oh May We Ever Live Up To Our Chosen Name!
by Englishman inthere are some really weird and interesting names on this site.
just out of interest, lets swap details of how we selected our chosen "stage name", it could be fun!.
i chose "englishman" when i first started to lurk at h20.
My name is really Spike the Impaler. But I use Spike. Our famiy has a history of being early silversmiths. The story is that the family made silvernails for the cross of an early Passion play in Bozen, Austria(now Bolzano) in the 1500's.
10 movies > stuck on an island
by Bendrr into carry the island thing further, if you were stuck on an island what 10 movies would you have?.
1. superman.
2. airplane!.
1.Major Payne 2.Blues Brothers 3.Clue 4.Puppet Master 5.SuperStar 6.National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 7.Three Stooges 8.Donald Duck 9.The Bride of Chucky 9.Candyman 10.WaterWorld
What are your PET PEEVES? Register them here!
by Spartacus inwhat ticks you off, makes you grind your teeth and go absolutely nuts!
Cut whiskers left in the sink basin, toilet lid left up, dirty socks and underware on the floor,oh that's a man, men are my pet peeve.
Should mentally challenged be baptize as JW's
by spike inwe have a son of legal age,only mentally 5-8 years living with jw relatives.
he studies with the presiding overseer in the knowledge book and goes in service.
he wants to get baptized like his older brother.
We have a son of legal age,only mentally 5-8 years living with JW relatives. He studies with the presiding overseer in the knowledge book and goes in service. He wants to get baptized like his older brother. This disturbs us greatly. Any suggestions?
Submit your favorite quote!
by Spartacus inwhen a difficulty is deep and painful, the triumph is glorious and jubilant.. -spartacus 2001
When nobody around you seems to measure up, it's time to check your yardstick. -Bill Lemley
How Many Times Have You Been Baptized?
by ladonna inhi gang,.
i remember my baptism at the ripe old age of 13 at an assembly with the jw's.. i did it to shut everyone up and to please my parents.. after i ran away from the wtbts and home....it is like i went on a crusade of baptisms.. i was baptized as a mormon.....and then as a born again christian.......(prawn again christian).
i think that eventually i gave up through being water logged...... but i am curious to know if any others around here have been so.....errr.....dumb?????.
I have been baptized 3 times. Once "sprinkled" as a dying infant in the Methodist Church. Another time as a Satanist. And later as a JW. But it took 3 attempts because my feet kept coming above the water when they submerged me. I had a fear of water then or maybe a unwilling spirit.
3 of the Slimiest positions in the WT Org.
by D wiltshire ini think three of the slimiest jobs you can have in the wt org.
1) public relations; (you have to tell lots of 12, 14, truths).
four thumbs down.. 2) writer; (you have to be able to slant the truth or someone will replace you).. 3) legal department, ( lie with zeal for your side, and instruct others how to lie with zeal).. .
DC,OC&local elders who are active pedaphilles. Scum Suckers, all of them.
The WTs Biggest Deceptions
by individual ini was just wondering what do the members of this board think the biggest deception in the teaching of the watchtower society is?.
one of the biggest deceptions for me, one that stuck like a thorn in my side was their deception on earthquakes, hence my previous thread on the last days.
the wts, as i recall, published supposed proof of the increase in earthquakes since 1914. i was so angry when i found out that this was an outright lie.
Thinking there are two classes of christians, anointed and other sheep. What a farce! The WTS does not give credit to Jesus's salvation of all mankind.
Elders killed my cat
by spike inin the late 70's, i began experiencing health problems.
the elders wanted to know if i purchased anything new, thinking i was under demon attack.
the only thing new in our household was a kitten.
In the late 70's, I began experiencing health problems. The elders wanted to know if I purchased anything new, thinking I was under demon attack. The only thing new in our household was a kitten. The elders took the kitten to the kingdomhall at night and killed our kitten. They burned the body in a barrel. I needed meds not my cat killed. Has anyone else had this happen?