Could you explain the vision Ezequiel had of the heavenly temple? Feel free to email me or post here. Thanks.
how does the wts explain that the sum total of symbolic numbers equals a literal number?
rev 7:4-8
logic says that if the sum parts are symbolic, then the total can only be symbolic.
Could you explain the vision Ezequiel had of the heavenly temple? Feel free to email me or post here. Thanks.
for an example of how judgemental religions wreck lives, take a good, hard, politically incorrect look at islam.
you, as a muslim, believe that you are favored by god and all others are cursed infidels deserving death and hellfire.. ...... but there's one problem.
your life sucks.
So, if one is not rich, powerful, having fun driving SUVs and chasing naked blonde women then there is no blessing from God?
Sounds like something a teen would say.
i honestly want your answers to the following questions.
(i am trying to find out what jw's think on these things to determine what my parents may say in response if i ask them any of these)
question #1can individuals read & understand the bible alone, or do they need an organization and its publications to do so?
After all, they are not INSPIRED PROPHETS , are they ?
No, but they are Jehovah's representative here on Earth.
i honestly want your answers to the following questions.
(i am trying to find out what jw's think on these things to determine what my parents may say in response if i ask them any of these)
question #1can individuals read & understand the bible alone, or do they need an organization and its publications to do so?
What? They were preaching about God's Kingdom back then also, just like today. So things haven't changed in regards to God's purposes for the Earth.
Like I said, 1914 did turn out to be a special year. They were a bit wrong on some expectations, but they had to learn to wait on Jehovah before coming to conclusions. That doesn't make them false prophets as you accuse. Can't those brothers be human? Do you expect them to be perfect? And don't reason that because they had Jehovah's backing that they wouldn't have made mistakes. Maybe they were a bit over-zealous and wanted an end to this system of things, just like we do when we hear of horrible things in the world today.
Also, could you answer this question with a simple yes or no: Is any portion of the Watch Tower or the Governing Body to be considered a prophet of God, or the voice of God?
Those are really two different questions. As per your instructions: No, to the first question, and Yes, to the second question.
did you know, for those of you who try to talk us back into your "religion" that you are assosiating with apostates????
did you know that you are going to die at armageddon for questioning the wts and coming to this website?????.
you can either confess your sins to your elders, and live, or keep quiet, and die.
i honestly want your answers to the following questions.
(i am trying to find out what jw's think on these things to determine what my parents may say in response if i ask them any of these)
question #1can individuals read & understand the bible alone, or do they need an organization and its publications to do so?
You people have such a special way to welcoming dialogue. Now I can see why the Faithful and Discreet Slave give such strong warnings against forums such as this.
O.k. I understand why you asked the questions and you made a good point on why I should answer these, so I will give it a shot. I do realize that most of the posters to this thread will ridicule my answers and even insult my intelligence but I am willing to take this abuse if it will help you comunicate better with your folks. I do wish you the best. I will not bore you with complicated answers, just simple and straight-forward:
O.k. here are my answers.
Can individuals read & understand the Bible alone, or do they need an organization and it’s publications to do so?
An individual will not understand the full message of the Bible without the guidance of Jehovah and his spirit. In the 1st century, Jehovah's spirit guided the christians to teach other and explain scriptures. Similarily, Jehovah's spirit now guides his people, Jehovah's Witnesses, to do the same.
Can Jehovah’s Witness hold and discuss openly with other Jehovah’s Witnesses opinions that differ from orthodox Watch Tower doctrine? Is there any valid reason for a person to decide that he does not wish to belong to the Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Doctrines are not open to debates. Conversations among JWs are common in regards to Bible prophesy, for example I recently had an interesting conversation with an elder about the King of the North and the evidence of Bible Prophecy fulfillments in todays news.
1 Corinthians 1:10 " Now I exhort YOU, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that YOU should all speak in agreement, and that there should not be divisions among YOU, but that YOU may be fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought. "
What is God’s proper name “Yahweh” or “Jehovah”?
In the English language, it is proper to use "Jehovah"
Did President Fred Franz get an Rhodes Scholarship offer from the Rhodes Scholarship organization? If not, why did he testify under oath that he was offered one, and why was this information published in Watch Tower publications?
I don't see why I would care about this or any other JW.
The "Proclaimers" book said this on the subject: " Frederick William Franz was born in Covington, Kentucky, U.S.A., on September 12, 1893. In 1899 the family moved to Cincinnati, where Frederick graduated from high school in 1911. He then entered the University of Cincinnati, taking a liberal arts course. He had decided that he would become a Presbyterian preacher, so he vigorously applied himself to the study of Bible Greek. At the university Frederick was chosen to receive a Rhodes scholarship, qualifying him for admission to Oxford University in England. However, before an announcement could be made, Frederick lost all interest in the scholarship and asked that his name be dropped from the list of contestants."
Did the Watch Tower and the Governing Body currently teach that Armageddon will come before the close of the twentieth century according to information published in the January 1, 1989 Watch Tower? Also, why were the dates in the article changed to not be specific to the twentieth century when it was published in the bound form at the end of the year?
I've seen the "supposed" conspiracy theories of apostates on this subject. To be honest, it's very lame. O.k. so they screwed up by saying "Twentieth" century. So what? I'm surprised that it was not caught before publication, but oh well. But what can we do? stone the writer to death?
Did the Watch Tower and the Governing body believe and publish information that Jesus’s 1000 year millenial reign would take place in 1975?
No publication said that "Armageddon WILL occur in 1975". Did the JWs believe that it could happen, yes. At the time they thought it could be a possibility. They were wrong and it was a hard lesson learned by all JWs.
Did the Watch Tower and the Governing Body believe that in or around 1925 there would be an awakening of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and others mentioned in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, and that there would be an end to death at that time?
It's hard to know the mentality around that year, since I wasn't around at that time. I guess by some publications, it seemed that that was a belief, but it wasn't the most importante aspect of the organization. In 1925, they were promoting the preaching of the Good News, which is much more significant.
Did the Watch Tower and the Governing Body believe that the year 1914 was the beginning of the Armageddon of the Scriptures?
They knew that 1914 would be siginificant. They weren't sure how since Jehovah reveiled information as it was needed. They were right about 1914 being significant and that's what's important.
Is any portion of the Watch Tower or the Governing Body to be considered a prophet of God, or the voice of God? Do the Governing Body or its associated corporations have better information from God or have a more direct channel to or from God’s thoughts than others? If this is true why has God changed his opinion, based on Watchtower teachings, so many times in Watch Tower history?
Jehovah uses his holy spirit to guide the Governing Body and those in roles of responsability within the Organization. God has NOT changed his opinion, but has revealed information and understanding throughout time to his people. He has in the past accepted one thing and then discarded it, see the Law of Moses as an example.
Why were the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Mexico at one time told to not use Bibles, not hold prayers, not sing religious songs, and deny that they were part of a religious group, but were simply part of a “Cultural” group even though religious groups were not in any way prohibited by the Mexican government at the time? Did it have anything to do with the Watch Tower or the Governing Body’s desire to own property in Mexico, which was prohibited under Mexican law, rather than be known as a religion?
This is really part of the dumbest acusation that apostates have against JWs. They keep saying that JWs are guided by money and are only interested in owning property. Any honest JW or even ex-JW will have to admit that this is just not true. Our Mexican brothers had to do what they had to do to worship and spread the Good News among their countrymen, and that's what they did without breaking Jehovah's laws.
Was Beth-Sarim, the Mansion owned and operated by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society in San Diego and used by Joe Rutherford in the 1920’s built as a residence for Enoch and other holy men from the Bible when they were expected to rise from the dead in 1925 by the Watch Tower?
Yes. But come on, you're really going to hold this against JWs? JWs usually look at this as a joke and just simply say that "Rutherford" must be up in heaven saying "What the heck was I thinking?".
Hope this helps.
i honestly want your answers to the following questions.
(i am trying to find out what jw's think on these things to determine what my parents may say in response if i ask them any of these)
question #1can individuals read & understand the bible alone, or do they need an organization and its publications to do so?
I assume that your parents are Jehovah's Witnesses. Therefore, they are my spiritual brother and sister. I will not provide ammo for your use so that you can manipulate them by saying "I know what you're going to say...". That wouldn't be loving on my part.
666. you all know it as the mark of the wild beast.
i'm begining studies on this subject and my first impressions so far have been quite interesting.
i believe that the jws have it wrong.
I was disfellowshipped and I went to the hall asking for extra bibles just so I could highlight scriptures that I felt went so well together but yet proved the witnesses were not doing things right. But I was denied the three bibles I asked for.... reason ( It's what the society says we have to do )....
This is hilarious, the brothers got you good on that one. They're basically saying "go buy your own bible!". Good for them.
a question: how does an elder move ahead?
what i mean is my father has been an elder for over 20 years and as far as i know he has never been offered any high profile jobs, co etc, never gotten to give the big talks at assemblies, etc, i was just wondering is there some type of politics that goes along with it?
What happens to the DOs and COs when they have to retire from service? Are they found accommodation and provided for by the organisation?Yes, the Society is encouraging congregations to build extra apartments in new Kingdom Halls to accomodate retired DOs and COs. In out local town, we built one of these apartments and a retired CO is living there.
The faithful and discreet slave are said to number 144,000 and are supposed to give us our food at the proper time. Why is it, then, that there is an elite few giving the rest of us AND the other faithful and discreet slave their food? Surely ALL the F&DS have the knowledge that is given them via holy spirit? Where in scripture does it say there'll be an elistest group within the 144,000 and these alone are to dispense it?Interesting reasoning, but think about this, in the 1st Century Christian Congregations all members were of the annointed class, but only a few dispersed spiritual food at the proper time. Paul was inspired to write to the Christian congregations. Also others were used such as Peter, James, and John but not all members of the congregations received messages from God. There has to be some sort of arrangment to be organized and not cause confusion.
Why do the GB take a vote? That is a democracy when it should be a theocracy.You're assuming that Jehovah cannot influence the vote one way or another. The vote is not taken by men that are uninformed, they research the matter before voting. Again, there has to be an arrangment to reach a decision, if not the body of elders or GB would many times be locked and not able to come to any conclusions. Jehovah allows this today. Consider this information: in the early times of Israel, Moses was divinely directed. But it's interesting to read about the arrangment of the "Urim and Thummim", these were " Objects used to ascertain the divine will when questions of national importance needed an answer from Jehovah." It seems that this "Urim and Thummim" were lots that were cast to answer a question "yes" or "no". Now we could ask, why did Jehovah use that arrangement? I really don't know the answer to that, but obviously Jehovah considered that an appropriate way to handle decision making in those times. Similarily, although you seem to not understand why Jehovah allows the GB to take a vote, we can be sure that Jehovah is much wiser that us and that it is an arrangment that works. One thing that I think about is that the arrangment of voting within a body of elders safeguards against someone trying to use their authority in the wrong way.
a question: how does an elder move ahead?
what i mean is my father has been an elder for over 20 years and as far as i know he has never been offered any high profile jobs, co etc, never gotten to give the big talks at assemblies, etc, i was just wondering is there some type of politics that goes along with it?
To become a C.O., an elder first has to be a regular pioneer for several years. He also has to be a pioneer that is fruitful in the ministry. Having abilities as a speaker and counsel-giver is also important. Having underaged children also disqualifies an elder since it's harder to travel with children. He must also have excellent health, this is something new that the Society is stressing. One other aspect are debts and responsabilities. The elder has to be free of debts as they will take a "vow of poverty" once he becomes a C.O.
To have talks in assemblies and conventions, an elder has to be a good speaker and it helps to be a regular pioneer. Why? Because many of the talks have to do with field service and pioneering, so they will prefer someone that is actually doing what he's preaching from the platform. To become a speaker in a district convention, he must first have talks in the circuit assemblies where he will be graded as a speaker by the C.O. and D.O. The grading system also depends on what kind of talk he's had in the circuit level. For example, an elder could be an excellent outline speaker, but not so good when it comes to interviews. Or he could have had bible highlights which is a 6 minute talk versus a talk of 15 minutes or more. In other words, the district conventions are experienced speakers.