TR & Funchback, I just want to say that it's not fair that you judge me like that. All I did is offer a favor.
JoinedPosts by SwordOfJah
Hi, edp81, feel free to email me and I will get you the publications you need through the mail. The email addres is [email protected]
St. Louis Reporter Seeks Silentlambs for Interview
by abbagail infrom: "silentlambs" [email protected].
date: tue, 7 jan 2003 23:19:35 -0600. to: [email protected].
subject: st louis area.
You guys are very mean. You complain and cry that no JWs will answer questions on camara and then when I offer a JWs point of view and invite any reporter to email me, then I get all of this bad treatment. I really don't understand you guys.
Question for SwordOfJah and other real JWs
by Realist ini have a request.. could you perhaps state all the real facts that support the idea of the gb being inspired by god?.
i am not talking about feelings, faith etc.
but of real proveable fact...things that would be accepted in a court or that would survive scientific testing.
Realist: Again, allow me to apologize for not responding sooner. I am usually not on the net during weekends as I am busy in the preaching work, going to the meeting on Sunday and spending time with the family.
These are your questions:
>>>a) what is the difference between inspired and spirit guided?
Inspired would be as the writers of the Bible that were inspired to write word for word the thoughts of Jehovah God. Spirit guided would be that Jehovah uses his spirit as a guide but is not telling the person what to write or speak word for word. The person might also ignore that guidance if he is does not have proper motivation or a pure heart. For example, the spirit could guide me to a specific door while I'm in the preaching work, but I could ignore it if I'm tired and just go home.
>>>b) what is the reason you follow the GB and not lets say the mormons...whether it is inspired or spirit have to have some convincing evidence.
As this is a personal question to me, I will answer for my self and not in representation of all of my brother and sisters worldwide. I do not follow the GB, I read their counsel, I apply some of their suggestions, I study their publications, but at the end of the day I follow Jehovah God and try, and I say try, because I'm in perfect and I mess up, but I try to follow in Christ's footsteps. Now do I get all pissed off because I might not agree with 100% of what the GB publishes? No, I allow Jehovah God to guide them and eventually things get turned around for the good. And even if some things are not clearly understood at the present time, I do have hope of perfection in the new system of things.
>>>c) my original question was if there is any real evidence supporting the WT's claim of being God's channel. the problem is without sound proof one cannot say whether the WT is God's channel or not. there are about a million different religions each claiming to be God chosen. ... so what neutral evidence exists (like a fullfilled prophecy)?
The proof for me (again this is the case with me, you might not agree but this is what I feel), again the proof for me is that I have learned a lot from the Bible thanks to the guidance of the publications published by the GB. The message of Jehovah God is much clearer ever since I started studying with the Witnesses. Before studying the Bible with JWs, I was very confused, my life had no meaning as I had learned to ignore the real meaning of Jehovah's message. So many questions where answered through that Bible study and I am so appreciative of the opportunity Jehovah God gave me. Before studying with the Witnesses, I did receive some visits from the Mormons but I noticed that they did not follow the Bible correctly, then I joined an evangelical group and without getting into too much detail, I just felt they were nuts. I was Catholic and mass was just not solid food but a lot of traditions etc. But when I studied with JWs, I bombarded the brother with so many questions, and he patiently answered them using the bible. That is my personal proof. It might not be a miracle, but it's accurate knowledge as described in Proverbs 2.
How to Know God - Stage 1
by eyeslice ini wouldn't say that i was the greatest fan of deepak chopra though i have read a couple of his books.
i am never very comfortable with people who base most of their ideas on anecdotes and quaint stories, but nevertheless some of his ideas are, shall we say, interesting.
in his book, how to know god, he expounds his view that there are 7 levels at which people can come to know god, even though he unable to say who or what this god is.
I believe Chopra is very wrong in describing Jehovah God.
Here are some of his attributes:
Loving - He created humans, he didn't have to but he did. He shared life. He made an awesome planet to live in.
Just & Wise - He handled the whole Adam & Eve thing perfectly. He applied the law. As another example look at the way he handled the Egyptians. Sure the 10 plagues were terrible, but at the same time, he gave them ample opportunity to put a stop to it. In their cases, their own hard-headedness and haughtiness brought them doom.
Merciful - Time and time again, the Israelites complained but Jehovah showed compassion. Sure he disciplined them, but not harshly. One example, just weeks after experiencing his salvation throught the Red Sea, the Israelites complained against Jehovah. Just one example of how Jehovah mercifully put up with them.
Help the Elders are after me!!!!!!!!
by auntiem inokay, an elder just showed up at my doorstep and he was wearing sweat suit and sweat pants and he was alone.
whats up with that?
is this a new tactic to get me to talk?
Hi auntiem, I think it was inappropriate for the elder to show up alone at your door. Was he there on a shepherding call? Dressed the way you describe it, I doubt it. Is he a close friend of the family? Still it would be inappropiate to show up alone knowing that your husband is not at home, but it could explain his thinking.
I think that the visits that the elders are scheduling between January and March are not to get you to disassociate, but to help inactive Witnesses to become publishers again. They might encourage those inactives ones to accept a bible study once again to strengthen their faith. No one should be scared of the elders. If they are taking the time to visit inactive ones, then that is proof that they are concerned and remember those that have left the flock. Of course, it's still your right to accept or deny a visit. But try to avoid a confrontation. I have found that sitting down to talk over a hot cocoa or coffee goes along way in clearing up differences.
I hope you are there to receive the elder once he comes around again, of course only if he's accompanied by another elder, if alone it's better not to open the door. Try having a calm, rational conversation with them without attacking or being on the defensive. Looking up scriptures and talking spiritual matters never hurt anyone. I hope you have a good day.
Question for SwordOfJah and other real JWs
by Realist ini have a request.. could you perhaps state all the real facts that support the idea of the gb being inspired by god?.
i am not talking about feelings, faith etc.
but of real proveable fact...things that would be accepted in a court or that would survive scientific testing.
Realist, let me start off by apologizing for not responding sooner. My health is weak and have not been on a computer since Wednesday.
Your question was: "Could you perhaps state all the real facts that support the idea of the GB being inspired by God?"
That is a very good question and one to think about. In ancient times it was fairly simple to see who Jehovah chose as leaders, for example Jehovah made many miracles showing that Moses was his chosen leader for the Israelites. Today, we are guided by faith since we have all of the inspired scriptures. I don't believe that the GB is inspired by God, but they are simply instruments that he uses in order to fulfill his will. Jesus the son of God said that the good news should be preached world wide. Jehovah has made sure that his happens, for he always give clear warning before acting against humans for their horrific and wicked acts. The GB is used to simply guide his people now adays.
In a Watchtower article it is written: " The committees of the Governing Body hold weekly meetings to review important matters, make decisions after prayerful considerations, and plan for future theocratic activity." After prayerful considerations, Jehovah does not inspire them to talk. When holy spirit is involved he will bless them on their research but will not give them word-for-word explanations .
Another Watchtower article mentioned: " Christian experience, guidance from the Bible, and the leadings of Jehovahs spirit direct this group of anointed Witnesses to theocratic conclusions on matters of great concern to the congregation. For example, in recent years the Governing Body has followed the Scriptural procedure in clarifying such matters as the Bibles view of "ministers," the God-given conscience, the carrying of lethal weapons, and the extent to which features of Isaiahs prophecy apply to the future Paradise on earth.Compare John 14:26; 1 Corinthians 2:10."
I think that statement answers your question. As regard to the visual proof that you ask for, I think you would have to clarify further was you expect Jehovah to show you as proof. Is faith in his inspired word not enough? Obviously someone has to take the lead in the preaching work and the GB does that. In the times of Moses, there were around 3 million Israelites, and Jehovah saw fit to organize them and Moses was their leader on earth. Although Jehovah guided him, on many aspects Moses made decisions himself. When judicial cases aroused, he would consult the law that Jehovah had given him and then made a decision. In that way, he was guided by Jehovah on every act. Now if Jehovah organized the Israelites and set up human leaders to guide them, would he not do the same now adays since were talking a lot more that 3 million followers? As we read the structures, we see that Jehovah usually follows the same pattern.
It is interesting that the leaders in the time of Jesus also requested a visual sign as proof that he was the Messiah, but Jesus did not give them a sign. Notice how Jesus responded:
"When evening falls, you are accustomed to say, It will be fair weather, for the sky is fire-red; and at morning, It will be wintry, rainy weather today, for the sky is fire-red, but gloomy-looking. You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but the signs of the times you cannot interpret. A wicked and adulterous generation keeps on seeking for a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah."Matthew 16:1-4.
Thank you for your question and I hope I've explained myself correctly.
Could you trust someone who has been sexually abus
by Jesika inabused to babysit for your children???
i was thinking about this today, in light of my son's well being, being questioned.
stats show that people who have been sexually abused go on to later abuse someone else.
Jessika, that is a tough question. After meditating on it I would say that it shouldn't matter. I have a family member that was abused, well I should say molested. She was touched inappropriately as a child by her babysitter which was a 16 year old girl. But I would trust my kids with her, actually she's great around kids and is now an elementary school girl. So although some that were abused become abusers themselves, we shouldn't reach the conclusion that it will be true with every single abused person.
North Korea's Threat
by Shakita in
north korea has said that this standoff with the us could lead to world war iii.
scary words, huh?.
Could this be the rise of the King of the North? We don't know, but it's getting interesting...
Staying Awake Or Keeping In A Frenzy?
by AlanF inwe ex-jws know very well how much the watchtower society put us under pressure to believe that "armageddon is just around the corner".
they've been doing it in one form or another ever since charles taze russell began publishing his nonsense.
in 1877 he advocated that true christians should believe that christ would "take them home" in 1878. when that didn't happen he moved the event up to 1881. after that he focused on 1914.. the society is still doing pretty much the same thing, building up expectations and then revising them, decade after decade.
AlanF you are really insane dude!
I asked you if "You were ready?" and then you have the audacity of saying "Yes" when you had previously said that you don't even believe the Bible. Pure hypocrisy there. When I was writing my original post to this thread, I predicted to myself exactly how you would answer and you didn't disappoint. As I read your past posts, I can see you love repeating the same dribble over and over, then you pat yourself in the back saying "no one can refute me". You are not a humble person and your own posts in the past demonstrates that so you will never accept anything a JW says not even if Jesus himself came down and explained it to you. I know you don't care what I say or anyone else, you are full of yourself to worry about anything else. The sad part is that since no human being can convince you of the validity of the Bible as being the word of God, you force him to take action against you and all wicked ones around the earth, and he will. I would quote the Bible, but you know it all. :(
Edited by - swordofjah on 8 January 2003 15:23:45