looter, I reread that post, and yes, I misunderstood you. By the way, that "someone" was not "inherently conveying that you cannot be a high-minded individual with an ideology in a supreme being." That "someone" was simply saying that if you don't believe in god, then you are left with judging morality and ethics by consequences. He wasn't saying that people who believe in god don't do it; he was saying that people who don't believe in god do it.
By the way, you're being redundant. Too redundant. If I were grading you, I would admit that you are intelligent and wise as for your age, but exactly because of that, you are being too wordy. Possibly, you subconsciously want to show that you are more mature than most people in your age. (I've been there; it's rather natural...) For instance, you said,
Someone was inherently conveying that you cannot be a high-minded individual with an ideology in a supreme being and I was saying you can and that Jesus attested to that as well.
It's better to say this:
Someone wasinherently conveyingimplying that you cannot be a high-minded individualwith an ideology in a supreme beingif you believe in a supreme being . . .