It's just you. Too much porn with Tony Morris. Definitely too much.
Baaad RubaDuuub.
i am not sure how the wt does it or what technology is used.
but when i look at the website and look at pictures in the recent publications from the lord's evening meal / last supper, it seems very strange.. i turn on my tv, put on 3-d glasses and the apostles now appear to be current and former members of the governing body.. i turn the tv off, restart it, and it appears to be the same members but now they have changed seats.. very interesting.. rub a dub.
It's just you. Too much porn with Tony Morris. Definitely too much.
Baaad RubaDuuub.
this is my current bottom-line conclusion after starting to see through the jw game 3 to 4 years ago and going through my own process of waking up.
it helps to write it down and put it "out there".
i hope it helps or resonates with you in your own personal process.. basically if i were given 10 seconds to say something to an active jehovah's witness that i cared about it would be the headline above.
xjwsrock - Any communication would need to be direct and to multiple eyewitnesses at the same time to eliminate the possibility of hallucination, schizophrenia, etc.
Actually... there are documented cases of people sharing the same or similar delusions. You can read this Wikipedia article about it. It is possible for multiple individuals to have the same hallucination or delusion—unfortunately.
Still, a normal (read: real) God would consider what you have just said. For instance, why would He allegedly inspire the Bible if He did not preserve the original manuscripts? (I realise this example is not exactly what you are talking about, but it still touches on unreasonable communication of a divine with humans.)
i have been df'd for 9yrs as of july 31 (yay me!).
so as i have written about previously in other posts, my whole family (parents + sister) made the choice to treat me as if i do not exist, and i have accepted it.
last summer they made a blatant show of it as our family reunion, in that they would walk right by me and not say one word...prompting our extended family to question their actions.
Quotes from Watchtower were not enough...?
so my mam visited today.
she recently went to convention in north east england, newcastle i think they still have them at.
before she left she said (this is her exact words btw) "you have put me in a difficult position and i can't come to see you anymore".. she told me that as i live with my partner and we are unmarried that she can't visit anymore.
Ah the rain...
so my mam visited today.
she recently went to convention in north east england, newcastle i think they still have them at.
before she left she said (this is her exact words btw) "you have put me in a difficult position and i can't come to see you anymore".. she told me that as i live with my partner and we are unmarried that she can't visit anymore.
freeandcontent - Anyway I am off to play with sand.
hi simon,.
firstly, thankyou for this great site and the community it supports.. i know it must be a huge job to keep the site active!.
i noticed something today when i pasted a link to a past thread into a current topic.. it was one i started 8 months back called "eagerly awaiting the death of billions" (or something like that!).
stuckinarut2 - Firstly, THANKYOU for this great site and the community it supports.
I know it must be a huge job to keep the site active!
[Sound of a Jehovah's Witness detector going off... BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP...]
the answer posted on "no.
many millions who lived in centuries past and who weren’t jehovah’s witnesses will have an opportunity for salvation.
additionally, many now living may yet begin to serve god, and they too will gain salvation.
Jamex Mixon, let's start with the fact that a normal God would destroy Satan right after Adam and Eve's sin (not that they actually lived anyway...) Like... are we actually supposed to believe that God didn't destroy Satan because He was afraid (er... God is afraid...?) that His other subjects would rebel as well...?
Right... Satan is destroyed because God is stronger. Adam and Eve die because Satan is wrong and God is right. Therefore, God's angels knowingly rebel because they know that God is right and is stronger and thus can destroy them within seconds.
For now, I will leave the analogy of the rebellious student in a class alone... (You know which one... the student rebels against the teacher and stuff...)
spanish branch starts to be nervous since a few days.
clear and detailed child abuse accusations has been posted on spanish forum:.ómplices&p=513578#post513578.
Is some Spanish organisation like the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that is in Australia going to be investigating the Watchtower policies in Spain? (Note that I am not asking whether the ARC will be investigating the Spanish branch. I am asking whether some Spanish organisation that takes care of such policies in Spain will be investigating Watchtower. I hope I was understood...)
Thanks in advance for any response.
i recently noticed that i have a new message from someone in my inbox.
here's a screenshot for you guys to make sure we're on the same page:.
so now that you know what inbox is......... the problem is that when i click on the letter icon surrounded by the green bubble of wisdom and life and good and bad and... wait, no... er... anyway, when i click on it to see the message, this is what i get:.
Yeah, it works! Thanks for fixing it, Simon.
i keep seeing new light everywhere its hard to keep up with the latest is there a spot where someone is keeping track of it all for everyone to see?.
Watchtower publications, broadcasting, and letters sent to congregations are the media of communicating the new light. And the announcements on assemblies.
I think?