punkofnice - That's very Christian of you to be polite.....
Ha. Very funny. I'm an atheist.
And, no, that was not ad hominem. I don't think you know how ad hominem works. Here, I'll give you an example:
You're an idiot. Therefore, you're wrong.
But I'm not saying the above nor anything resembling it. I'm saying that there is clear evidence for the *historical* Jesus (not the christological Jesus.) The fact that you didn't find any suggests you haven't been looking for it or you're mentally blind. There's a difference. (See? I'm not saying that you're mentally blind and therefore you can't see the evidence—that would be ad hominem. I'm saying you don't see the evidence and therefore you either weren't looking for it or you're mentally blind...)
But on a side note, there is a freaking reason why there is not a single scholar who is employed at a university or college who teaches any relative field to Christianity and who doesn't believe that Jesus existed.
And if you're so lazy that you don't want to look for evidence for the *historical* Jesus, here I give you a two-part article that discusses both sides in great detail:
Evidence for the Historical Jesus Part 1
Evidence for the Historical Jesus Part 2
And if you're still not convinced, then read some books written by actual scholars. Then come back and talk about the evidence for or against Jesus.