JoinedPosts by Saename
We Cannot Understand Because We Are Not Perfect
by berrygerry instarting this thread because of katewild's post.
(from where came god?).
the unanswerable questions of life are usually attributed to: "we are imperfect, so cannot understand.
Finally "they" have reinstated me! that was easy!!!
by Prometheus init was rather quick one.
in just few months and after attending all of their meetings and giving them a nice show, i'm back to the org!!!
(what a relief-sarcastic laugh) .
Wow after 17 years what on earth made you want to go back to the cult?
Nothing. He just wanted to be reinstated in order to fade away without being disfellowshipped. He evidently does not want to be shunned by the JWs he knows.
By the way, this is quite ironic and silly. JWs will shun people who are disfellowshipped or disassociated, even if they are good people, but they will not shun those who are just inactive, even if they are much worse people than those who were disfellowshipped or disassociated.
Finally "they" have reinstated me! that was easy!!!
by Prometheus init was rather quick one.
in just few months and after attending all of their meetings and giving them a nice show, i'm back to the org!!!
(what a relief-sarcastic laugh) .
I don't know what the future will be for the WT, but the quality of the meetings and comments, are so poor.
Today, they mostly answer questions that are in their study material by reading from the paragraph. Sometimes they'll change a word or two. Nothing fancy. And certainly no thinking.
And I nearly say it loud: " so 1000 years of the Kingdom are down to 900 since Jesus rules from 1914.
This is a strange understanding. The Jehovah's Witnesses I know have always preached that the 1000-year reign will begin right after the Armageddon. That was always the understanding where I come from and where I live now―that is, Poland and Canada.
What is the real purpose of attending your JC?
by StarTrekAngel ini was compelled to ask this question because i have seen several of the youtube videos on jcs.
on striking similarity among all these videos is that most of the people bringing the arguments to the elders are pretty much atheists or have turned to another religion altogether.. i can easily see that the common concern in most of the people involved, is their ability to keep in touch with family and friends, which by all means would be my concern as well, when and if i ever end up in one.. however, i can't help but to notice something.
it is difficult enough to think of the day that the wt would accept a loose canon in their ranks, let alone someone who openly claims to no longer believe in god.
I'll show you what the elders want to do to you during the Judicial Committee by using four simple pictures from the Holy Book of Pictures...
Question spouse is in other spouse df there going to bethel
by poopie infor the grand opening of bethel to sneak around get info.
should they tell the tour guide that one of them is df?.
The disfellowshipped one is going to be forced to leave if they find out, I presume. The active spouse may get into trouble for trying to get the disfellowshipped spouse into the Bethel.
Either way...
exposed 3 jw's in front of my jw dad
by JunkYardDog inon a road trip with my jw dad and stopped at the rest stop.
this jw lady walked up to me with a craptower.
big mistake.
"Hello there! We are volunteers in the area, and we've been talking to people in this neighbourhood about God's Word, the Bible."
"Oh, you want to talk about the Bible?"
"Yes, sir."
"Ok. What would you like to know?"
I conclude evolution is guided
by KateWild inyour qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
What is the real purpose of attending your JC?
by StarTrekAngel ini was compelled to ask this question because i have seen several of the youtube videos on jcs.
on striking similarity among all these videos is that most of the people bringing the arguments to the elders are pretty much atheists or have turned to another religion altogether.. i can easily see that the common concern in most of the people involved, is their ability to keep in touch with family and friends, which by all means would be my concern as well, when and if i ever end up in one.. however, i can't help but to notice something.
it is difficult enough to think of the day that the wt would accept a loose canon in their ranks, let alone someone who openly claims to no longer believe in god.
Don't even get me started on the people like the Governing Body, who let children and teenagers be molested and abused by monsters. -
What is the real purpose of attending your JC?
by StarTrekAngel ini was compelled to ask this question because i have seen several of the youtube videos on jcs.
on striking similarity among all these videos is that most of the people bringing the arguments to the elders are pretty much atheists or have turned to another religion altogether.. i can easily see that the common concern in most of the people involved, is their ability to keep in touch with family and friends, which by all means would be my concern as well, when and if i ever end up in one.. however, i can't help but to notice something.
it is difficult enough to think of the day that the wt would accept a loose canon in their ranks, let alone someone who openly claims to no longer believe in god.
rebel8 - I was forced to attend by my parent, with my only other choice being homelessness.
I don't get those types of people. What the heck is wrong with those fools? Evidently, some parents forgot the definition of the word 'parent.'
I guess the only reason to believe in God, in my case, would be to hope that those idiots would finally get some kind of revenge. Eternal fire in hell would be nice. Yeah, I know. I'm not a good person because I wish bad people would suffer.