Magnum - James Jack, sorry, I meant to hit the "Like" button, but accidentally hit "Dislike". You make an interesting point. I would love to know their real financial position.
You can still hit the "Like" button, and your dislike will be terminated, and, instead, a like will be added to James Jack's post.
StarTrekAngel - (please read this while you imagine Stephen Lett reading it)
Dear brothers,
What a wonderful job we have in spreading the good news of the Kingdom. It is certainly a privilege to participate in the many aspects of preaching the good news. One of the many privileges we have is contributing to the world wide work thru financial support. We have always cherished our ability to make voluntary donations. James 1:17 partly says that every good thing we have comes from above and don't we thank our father for providing us with everything we need. And since we know that everything good that we have comes from Jehovah, are we not more than ever confident that he will continue to provide?
The Governing Body has been carefully considering the implication of such providence and has come to realize that we have not fully understood God's will in this aspect. If everything good that we have, including but not limited to our time and financial means, come from Jehovah, it means these things belong to him to begin with.
In keeping with the prophecy of the Faithful and Discrete Slave, Jesus said that he would appoint us over all his belongings. Therefore, we feel it is reasonable he expects us to responsibly manage all his belongings, including the ones he has already given you.
We are excited to announce a new arrangement that will not just help, but ensure your continued support of the world wide work. Along with this letter, a new form has been provided to the elders and will be distributed at the end of this meeting. It will allow us to withhold a percentage of your paycheck and be transfered as a donation to the world wide work fund.
Off course, this will remain a matter of consciousness but in an effort to not stumble anyone who may think we are tithing, like the despicable practices of Christendom, we have set up the form with a checkbox for you to select the percentage. Therefore, you will not find a checkbox for 10%, only 20% and upwards.
We rest assured you will prayerfully consider just how you can continue to contribute to the preaching work in this manner
Your brothers... Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
This postscript should not be read to the congregation or posted on the information board.
Arrange for this letter to be read to the congregation in the next midweek meeting.
This form should be made available to all publishers, both baptized and non-baptized. Elders should account for the number of forms filled out. If anyone did not fill out the form or was not present during the announcement. Efforts should be made to make sure they are made aware of this new arrangement. If after such efforts are made, the publisher did not return a completed form, we should consider the instructions provided in the Shepherds of the Flock of God book, regarding our appreciation for the spiritual provisions. Such publishers should not qualify for privileges in the congregation. Namely working the microphones or serving as book study assistants.(please read this while you imagine Stephen Lett reading it)
This literally felt like reading a letter from the actual Governing Body—with a small exception that the Watchtower letters and publications, to my knowledge, rarely contain grammar errors. Still, the language (the jargon, really) your letter uses imitates perfectly the Watchtower.
On a further note, though, the Watchtower would likely end the letter accordingly: "We rest assured you will prayerfully consider just how you can continue to contribute to the preaching work in this time of the end."