never a jw - If my estimates help me right, it wasn't 10 minutes before the text, it was more like 1/2 hour of socializing
Your brother must be really "zealous" :D
never a jw - JW's are usually quite pleasant, as long as they don't turn on their doom-and-gloom-for-everyone-but-us switch. I actually will consider bringing some nice pastries filled with apostate poison.
Be careful :D They might think you're responding to the 'truth."
No, seriously, they might... They are often told that when somebody is showing kindness to Jehovah's Witnesses—as opposed to persecuting them (because... you know... everybody is persecuting them)—then that person must be interested in the "truth."
Darryl - By the way has there ever been anyone in history who was not aux or reg pioneering that when asked that question-how long did you plan on being out this morning responded "At least till 2:30 3:00."
When I was still an active unbaptised publisher, I would actually respond by saying, "At least until [time]," hoping that the person I'm talking to would be willing to preach with me for at least a bit longer. I was actually quite "zealous" as for an unbaptised publisher when I thought it was the "truth." Once I spent the whole Christmas break preaching as a 16-year-old. I think I got 50 hours in two weeks. But when I found out I was wrong... well... it was either "Quit!!!" or "Be deceived."