In addition to my first response, the New World Order is part of the Illuminati program, which currently is in the social engineering, technocracy phase. It's a cultural revolution; whereas the Protestant Reformation phase of the New World Order was primarily religous; although, it did eventuate in cultural revolution. Consider that the Protestant ruling class of America have been staunch proponents of sexual liberation, eugenics, birth control, etc.
JoinedPosts by NoStonecutters
Illuminati and the Watchtower
by marriedtoajw innow i know this forum has already touched on this topic many times but i'm coming at this from a personal angle.
as i've said on this forum before, my wife is an active jw and has been getting more and more active while trying to indoctrinate my 21 year old son, who still lives at home and is not working but is going to a community college.
my wife takes him and my 7 years old daughter to some meetings and conventions.
Why God created predators and beasts
by EndofMysteries inwhile i am waiting and taking a big break to sort everything out.
i thought i would share some very cool life and scientific things that were revealed in the scriptures.
have you ever wondered why god made beasts and predators?
End of Mysteries, I suggest you research Privatio Boni.
Privatio Boni
The privation of good (Latin: privatio boni) is a theological doctrine that evil, unlike good, is insubstantial, so that thinking of it as an entity is misleading. Instead, evil is rather the absence or lack ("privation") of good.[1][2][3]
It is typically attributed to St. Augustine of Hippo, who wrote:
And in the universe, even that which is called evil, when it is regulated and put in its own place, only enhances our admiration of the good; for we enjoy and value the good more when we compare it with the evil. For the Almighty God, who, as even the heathen acknowledge, has supreme power over all things, being Himself supremely good, would never permit the existence of anything evil among His works, if He were not so omnipotent and good that He can bring good even out of evil. For what is that which we call evil but the absence of good? In the bodies of animals, disease and wounds mean nothing but the absence of health; for when a cure is effected, that does not mean that the evils which were present—namely, the diseases and wounds—go away from the body and dwell elsewhere: they altogether cease to exist; for the wound or disease is not a substance, but a defect in the fleshly substance,—the flesh itself being a substance, and therefore something good, of which those evils—that is, privations of the good which we call health—are accidents. Just in the same way, what are called vices in the soul are nothing but privations of natural good. And when they are cured, they are not transferred elsewhere: when they cease to exist in the healthy soul, they cannot exist anywhere else. [4]
Our perceptions are based on contrast, so that light and dark, good and evil, are imperceptible without each other; in this context, these sets of opposites show a certain symmetry. But a basic study of optics teaches us that light has a physical presence of its own, whereas darkness does not: no "anti-lamp" or "flashdark" can be constructed which casts a beam of darkness onto a surface that is otherwise well-lit. Instead, darkness only appears when sources of light are extinguished or obscured, and only persists when an object absorbs a disproportionate amount of the light that strikes it.
The relationship between light and darkness is often used to frame a metaphorical understanding of good and evil. This metaphor can be used to answer[citation needed] the problem of evil: If evil, like darkness, does not truly exist, but is only a name we give to our perception of privatio boni, then our widespread observation of evil does not preclude the possibility of a benevolent, omniscient, and omnipresent God.
If the metaphor can be extended, and good and evil share the same asymmetry as light and darkness, then evil can have no source, cannot be projected, and, of itself, can offer no resistance to any source of good, no matter how weak or distant. In this case, goodness cannot be actively opposed, and power becomes a consequence of benevolence. However, in this case evil is the default state of the universe, and good exists only through constant effort; any lapse or redirection of good will apparently create evil out of nothing.
[edit]Augustine's belief that 'sickness and wounds are nothing but the privation of health', seems logical when it comes to illness, and may work on a number of levels elsewhere. However, if this is the case, where did evil (or the ability for things to become corrupted), first begin? Well as far as Augustine is concerned, evil entered the world as a result of the wrong choices of free beings (free in the sense that there was no external force necessitating them to do wrong). In other words, corruption occurred as a result of freewill...God, although omnipotent, omniscient and all-good, and despite creating the world and everything in it to be good, is innocent when it comes to the presence of sin and evil in the heavens and the earth, as this occurred as the result of the freedom for both humanity and the angels, to make their own decisions.
Illuminati and the Watchtower
by marriedtoajw innow i know this forum has already touched on this topic many times but i'm coming at this from a personal angle.
as i've said on this forum before, my wife is an active jw and has been getting more and more active while trying to indoctrinate my 21 year old son, who still lives at home and is not working but is going to a community college.
my wife takes him and my 7 years old daughter to some meetings and conventions.
How exactly is the Watchtower in on a New World Order scheme.
Designs, the Masonic connection to the Watchtower, although very real, is really only a small piece of the puzzle. Charles Taze Russell was part of an occultic invasion from Britain that brought about the Protestant Reformation, which, as the evidence clearly reveals, was a Kabbalist/Occulist revolutionary movement against Orthodoxy. When the Marronos (Crypto-Jews of Spain) and reformers fled the Inquisition, a huge amount of them ended up in Antwerp and other places in Northern Europe, specifically England, where they set up secret societies and Masonic lodges. In fact, King Henry VIII utilized the Marranos in helping him annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon so he could take on a concubine. Anyways, the Protestant movement was made up of two key elements: revolution and millennialism—the two going hand in hand. Although we don't really see Freemasonry and the Illuminati becoming prominent until the 18th century, the occultic/Kabbalist nature that drives them was already prominent in Europe by the time the Inquisition had dispersed the subversives. The Watchtower fits in perfectly with this line of revolutionary Protestantism. WTBTS doctrine is Millenniallist and even Illuminist. Notice that the governing body and even rank-and-file Jehovah's Witnesses use information on others as a form of blackmail? (This is fundamentally Illuminism)
The goal of Millennialism is to bring Christianity into bondage to the Rabbnical authorities through transformation to Talmudic Judaism, turning the clear revelations of the true Kingdom of God, which is spiritual in nature, on its head.
The WTBTS fits into a long line of Revolutionary Proestant movements, including the Hussites, Anabaptists, Lutherans, Calvinists, Waldensians, etc. They all have the same modus operandi, without question. Take Calvinism, for example. Calvinism was essentially Kabbalism. Calvin taught that God was the author of both good and evil, mirroring the Kabbalah's "as above, so below" philosophy. Calvin rejected everything Orthodox, specifically the Holy Trinity.The Protestant Reformation, in all of its Masonic-Illuminist endeavours, was not simply a natural reaction to Papal corruption. Instead, it was an organized revolution against Christianity proper to obliterate it from the face of the earth and bring about a "return to the vomit of Judaism." The fundamental difference between The Watchtower, its Protestant co-religionists and Christianity proper lies is their Messianic expectation. The Protestants expect a Messianic Kingdom of Earth, in fleshly Jerusalem, while Christianity proper expects a Messianic Kingdom from heaven, spiritually, and that it is here now and has been since Christ first came. The former is essentially Jewish while the latter is Christian.
The Watchtower and the Masons
by ozziepost inthe latest edition of the free in christ ministries journal contains a very interesting article entitled the watchtower and masons.. drawing upon material from the book the watchtower & the masons by fritz springmeier, it gives the following parallels between the things that c t russell believed and those taught by the masons:.
* both believe jehovah is the most important word being the basis of their dogma, and the name of their god.
* both believe god yielded power to a lesser god.
Bloomberg Businessweek:
France: Where Freemasons Are Still Feared
Magazines and newspapers all have stories they run in one form or another, year in, year out. The details may differ, but the stories are largely the same everywhere, striking universal chords of sex, health, and money. A few of these perennials, however, don’t travel. They drill deep into one country’s psyche while everyone else scratches their head and says, “Huh?”
In France, the story that keeps coming back is about Freemasons. It’s everywhere. Most big French magazines run at least one big Freemason cover a year. Books dissect the “state within a state,” to borrow from a recent title. Blogs abound.
“France has several of these marronniers—chestnuts,” says Alain Bauer, former grand master of France’s Grand Orient lodge and president Nicolas Sarkozy’s Masonic liaison. “There’s real estate prices and there’s how to cure headaches, and then there’s Freemasons. The ultimate French magazine story is a Freemason with a headache who’s moving. We don’t like these stories, but at the same time, we love them, because they make us feel like we’re still important.”
Huh? Yes, Freemasons: the old fraternal order known in the U.S. for the Masonic lodges that dot American cities, musty reminders of an era when Masonry stirred the American melting pot. Or for the arcane Masonic symbols engraved on every dollar bill. Or on a sillier note, for the Shriners in their red fezzes. (The Shriners were founded in the 1870s to add a little levity to regular Freemasonry. Mission accomplished.)
In France, though, there’s nothing funny about Freemasons. The way the French see it, Masons are a fifth column at the heart of French society, a cabal of powerful politicians, businessmen, and intellectuals with a hidden agenda that is difficult to pin down because it’s, well, hidden. Nobody knows quite what the Masons are up to, but everybody suspects they’re up to something.
“Freemasons—How they manipulate the candidates,” ran the cover line on the Jan. 10, 2012 issue of L’Express, one of France’s three big newsweeklies. After several readings, the “how” and the “manipulate” parts remain unclear, and even Francois Koch, its author, admits that the headline is “completely exaggerated.” Le Point, the second big newsweekly, followed in its Jan. 26 issue with “Freemasons—the infiltrators.” The third weekly news magazine, Le Nouvel Observateur, got ahead of the game this election cycle: They ran their Masons-and-politics cover last August.
“The subject never fails to generate interest,” says Koch. “It’s the mystery of it that attracts attention.” Koch’s cover story sold 80,000 copies on the newsstand, almost 10 percent more than L’Express’s average of 73,000 copies. “We always get at least average sales, and sometimes sales that are really big. It’s always a gamble worth taking.” Two years ago, Koch, who normally covers criminal justice, launched a blog devoted to Masonic matters.
To understand how French Masons ended up under the national magnifying glass requires a brief side trip through history. Nobody knows precisely where the Freemasons came from, but experts mostly agree their origins lie in the medieval English guilds that laid the stones of the great cathedrals. Modern Masonry dates to the founding of the first Grand Lodge in London in 1717, and today’s United Grand Lodge of England is still a kind of Masonic mothership.
Those first English Masons laid down the loose precepts that govern most Masonic practice. Masons meet regularly to improve themselves morally and spiritually, and to practice brotherly love and mutual assistance. They’re enjoined to believe in a supreme being and to stay out of politics. And no women are allowed. Solidarity is reinforced by an elaborate web of shared mumbo jumbo—signs, symbols, secret handshakes, and code words that are either sexy, absurd, or sinister, depending on who’s looking at them.
Masonry fanned out from England just when the Enlightenment was making the world safe for such Mason-friendly values as anti-clericalism and scientific enquiry. The world’s best and brightest joined in a stampede. Voltaire, John Locke, and Goethe all signed up. In the New World, Benjamin Franklin became America’s favorite Mason.
The early Masons made enemies on all sides. The church branded them anti-Christians, the established political order branded them revolutionaries, and a lot of other people just found them elitist and creepy. This might have been expected. Any international brotherhood with secret handshakes and symbolic jewelry is begging to put its name on a conspiracy theory. The Masons have provoked many, right up to the Nazis, to decimate Masonry on the European continent.
Continued at source.
WT and the Illuminati - truth or fiction?
by SnowQueen ini've been reading around this subject of late and it seems to make a lot of sense.
i'm wondering if anyone is convinced and/or has seen anything that can substantiate or corroborate the 'facts' set out in these arguments..
i was particularly fascinated to read the following:.
FEMA Coffins On Masonic Trucks Coming To YOUR Neighborhood Soon!!! Make Viral!!!
Fifth Estate Program in Canada - Former Jehovah's Witness from NH - Whistleblower
by RAYZORBLADE intif21 - had posted about the fifth estate (which was great), but i know most people outside of canada, will be unfamiliar with the show and the cbc.. here is the link to last night's program.
it features a young woman who had faced sexual abuse as a jw, and how little to next to nothing was done.
when she finally had enough ... well, you'll see what happens next.
Fifth Estate is Canadian version of 60 Minutes.
Why God created predators and beasts
by EndofMysteries inwhile i am waiting and taking a big break to sort everything out.
i thought i would share some very cool life and scientific things that were revealed in the scriptures.
have you ever wondered why god made beasts and predators?
While I am waiting and taking a big break to sort everything out. I thought I would share some very cool life and scientific things that were revealed in the scriptures. Have you ever wondered why God made beasts and predators? Animals which kill other animals?
It wasn't because of man sinning that they became violent, they were that way from the start. Everything God made in the universe has an opposite. Everything is also catagorized as well. male/Good/life/water/daytime etc are grouped female/bad/dirt/death/night etc share as well.
EndOfMysteries, you do realize that this is Kabbalism, don't you? Christianity has no harmony with the Kabbalah. Early century Christianity has already dealt with this heresy.
As above, so below.
This is all black and white magic, my friend. If you want to dispel this seductive heresy, know that evil is not the opposite of good but the absence of good. The devil has never been at the level of divinity as God, nor will he ever. Kabbalism is Satan's way of bringing himself to divinity. Don't be fooled.
Jesus=The archangel Michael?
by WatchTowerofBabel in(the first chapter of hebrews seems quite explicit on the issue).
but since scriptural texts don't seem quite enough for my jdub kinfolks (wtf?
), i tried to find out where this poppycock idea first popped up.. .
Wow, the new captcha codes are great. Only took me about 15 tries to log in! And the voice audio option is so clear!
Anyways, Jaime l de Aragon, using that line of reasoning, Jesus could also be a trumpet. The preposterous idea that Jesus is Michael is one that defines the Jehovah's Witness cult. Without it, there would be little upon which to hinge a whole array of Biblical bastardizations. The Watchtower needs to be totally off the wall on key doctrines as a way to stand out; this is obvious.
My name is Jaime in Spanish, and also James, and Jacod and Jacques, What's strange?
Yeah, cuz it's easy to confuse the pronunciation and intonation of the names Jesus and Michael. Happens all the time at school with these two kids I know.
Blondie said:
"Michael and his angels"--the papacy and its supporters--fought against the dragon--pagan rulers, etc.,-- and the great dragon was cast out of heaven. Zion's Watch Tower 1879 December p.6
Interesting. Medieval Christian cults, specifically the Hussites and Waldensians, both millenialists, made the same argument as they pillaged and raped their way through Europe. The millenialist dogma isn' that new after all.
John Calvin, who led the Reformation, was one who believed 'Michael' was a designation for Jesus along with 'Angel of the Lord'.
Calvin was also a heretic.
WT and the Illuminati - truth or fiction?
by SnowQueen ini've been reading around this subject of late and it seems to make a lot of sense.
i'm wondering if anyone is convinced and/or has seen anything that can substantiate or corroborate the 'facts' set out in these arguments..
i was particularly fascinated to read the following:.
More on Brook Foss Westcott
1). While an undergraduate at Cambridge he was a founder member of a club called ‘Hermes.’
2). While a graduate student at the same University, he was a founder member of an institution called ‘The Ghostlie Guild.’
3). A man called W.W. Westcott, who founded the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, might be an alternative identity of B.F. Westcott.Source:
Others accuse him of being a Mason and a member of Helena Blavatsky's Theosophical Society.
WT and the Illuminati - truth or fiction?
by SnowQueen ini've been reading around this subject of late and it seems to make a lot of sense.
i'm wondering if anyone is convinced and/or has seen anything that can substantiate or corroborate the 'facts' set out in these arguments..
i was particularly fascinated to read the following:.
The plot thickens: Brook Foss Westcott, whose "translation" the New World Translation is based on is accused of being a 33rd degree Freemason.
History of Freemasonry Its Antiquities, Symbols, Constitutions, Customs
By Robert Freke Gould
Is one book that lists him as such. Hort, might be one as well. Of course, Westcott and Hort were responsible for taking out passages from the Bible that demonstrated Christ's divinity. Now if they were Masons, why did they target Christ's divinity as part of Masonic subversion for the Illuminati??? Westcott and Hort's subversion obviously led to the Watchtower's heretical arian view of Christ.