Apparently Freud felt Jung was inferior as a gentile.
JoinedPosts by NoStonecutters
The Vatican New World Order
by Infowarrior inwe know that the watchtower claims to be seeking accurate truth regarding biblical propheicies regarding the last days and the willd beast and the "world that is laying in the power of the wicked one".. the watchtower inisists it is the faithful and discreet slave who is providing needed spiritual food at the proper time.
however on close examination, is this really the case ?
or is the watchtower, like all other western corporate organizations in the modern western world, simply distracting, subverting, and hiding the truth from thier christian sheep ?.
The Vatican New World Order
by Infowarrior inwe know that the watchtower claims to be seeking accurate truth regarding biblical propheicies regarding the last days and the willd beast and the "world that is laying in the power of the wicked one".. the watchtower inisists it is the faithful and discreet slave who is providing needed spiritual food at the proper time.
however on close examination, is this really the case ?
or is the watchtower, like all other western corporate organizations in the modern western world, simply distracting, subverting, and hiding the truth from thier christian sheep ?.
Interesting, I didn't know Jung said that. Yes, in Catholicism and Orthodoxy, privatio boni is the general teaching on the problem of evil. Reformer John Calvin, who was a crypto-Jew at worst and a Judaizer at best, was largely responsible, in essence, for making Satan a divine being by declaring God the author of both good and evil. I don't know how Judaism heavily leans on the Torah other than for symbolic reasons. Keep in mind, though, that in Judaism, there are at least three Torahs, the most authoratative being the Talmud. So, when someone says they are Torah observant or lean on the Torah, you have to ask them which Torah they are talking about.
That is a good question as to why miracles have disappeared, or at least dramatically decreased in frequency. Perhaps it is due to Satan's short time to rule and reign leading up to the final judgment. Yes, I am saying that God gave Satan basically unfettered influence. The millenial reign was about bounding Satan (severly restricting his influence) and spreading the Gospel to all the Earth.
Another thought, privatio boni isn't an exact science. It does leave some things unaswered.
Zeitgeist The Movie
by DATA-DOG ini just watched the first part of this film.
i am now more screwed up than ever....... .
mP, the absurd son-sun connection was popularized by Dorothy M, Murdock (Acharya S) and has been refuted and laughed at by even secular scholars.
The Vatican New World Order
by Infowarrior inwe know that the watchtower claims to be seeking accurate truth regarding biblical propheicies regarding the last days and the willd beast and the "world that is laying in the power of the wicked one".. the watchtower inisists it is the faithful and discreet slave who is providing needed spiritual food at the proper time.
however on close examination, is this really the case ?
or is the watchtower, like all other western corporate organizations in the modern western world, simply distracting, subverting, and hiding the truth from thier christian sheep ?.
Yes, I see the steps, but I see them as sinister, although not on your part but rather with the power elite. Everything your saying was put to paper in Masonic and Marxist manifestos over the last 300 years or so. I want no part in them personally. I think the promise of elevation and enlightenment is merely a dangling carrot. Remember that, in Christianity, evil is not an entity, and Satan is not equal to God. Satan is a mere fallen angel and evil is the absence of good, the abesence of God.
Privatio Boni
The privation of good (Latin: privatio boni) is a theological doctrine that evil, unlike good, is insubstantial, so that thinking of it as an entity is misleading. Instead, evil is rather the absence or lack ("privation") of good.[1][2][3]
It is typically attributed to St. Augustine of Hippo, who wrote:
And in the universe, even that which is called evil, when it is regulated and put in its own place, only enhances our admiration of the good; for we enjoy and value the good more when we compare it with the evil. For the Almighty God, who, as even the heathen acknowledge, has supreme power over all things, being Himself supremely good, would never permit the existence of anything evil among His works, if He were not so omnipotent and good that He can bring good even out of evil. For what is that which we call evil but the absence of good? In the bodies of animals, disease and wounds mean nothing but the absence of health; for when a cure is effected, that does not mean that the evils which were present—namely, the diseases and wounds—go away from the body and dwell elsewhere: they altogether cease to exist; for the wound or disease is not a substance, but a defect in the fleshly substance,—the flesh itself being a substance, and therefore something good, of which those evils—that is, privations of the good which we call health—are accidents. Just in the same way, what are called vices in the soul are nothing but privations of natural good. And when they are cured, they are not transferred elsewhere: when they cease to exist in the healthy soul, they cannot exist anywhere else. [4]
Our perceptions are based on contrast, so that light and dark, good and evil, are imperceptible without each other; in this context, these sets of opposites show a certain symmetry. But a basic study of optics teaches us that light has a physical presence of its own, whereas darkness does not: no "anti-lamp" or "flashdark" can be constructed which casts a beam of darkness onto a surface that is otherwise well-lit. Instead, darkness only appears when sources of light are extinguished or obscured, and only persists when an object absorbs a disproportionate amount of the light that strikes it.
The relationship between light and darkness is often used to frame a metaphorical understanding of good and evil. This metaphor can be used to answer[citation needed] the problem of evil: If evil, like darkness, does not truly exist, but is only a name we give to our perception of privatio boni, then our widespread observation of evil does not preclude the possibility of a benevolent, omniscient, and omnipresent God.
If the metaphor can be extended, and good and evil share the same asymmetry as light and darkness, then evil can have no source, cannot be projected, and, of itself, can offer no resistance to any source of good, no matter how weak or distant. In this case, goodness cannot be actively opposed, and power becomes a consequence of benevolence. However, in this case evil is the default state of the universe, and good exists only through constant effort; any lapse or redirection of good will apparently create evil out of nothing."Augustine's belief that 'sickness and wounds are nothing but the privation of health', seems logical when it comes to illness, and may work on a number of levels elsewhere. However, if this is the case, where did evil (or the ability for things to become corrupted), first begin? Well as far as Augustine is concerned, evil entered the world as a result of the wrong choices of free beings (free in the sense that there was no external force necessitating them to do wrong). In other words, corruption occurred as a result of freewill...God, although omnipotent, omniscient and all-good, and despite creating the world and everything in it to be good, is innocent when it comes to the presence of sin and evil in the heavens and the earth, as this occurred as the result of the freedom for both humanity and the angels, to make their own decisions."
The Vatican New World Order
by Infowarrior inwe know that the watchtower claims to be seeking accurate truth regarding biblical propheicies regarding the last days and the willd beast and the "world that is laying in the power of the wicked one".. the watchtower inisists it is the faithful and discreet slave who is providing needed spiritual food at the proper time.
however on close examination, is this really the case ?
or is the watchtower, like all other western corporate organizations in the modern western world, simply distracting, subverting, and hiding the truth from thier christian sheep ?.
Satanus, Judaism, which is not based in the Old Testament but the Talmud and the Kabbalah, is very different from Christianity. Judaism is monistic while Christianity is dualistic. There is no harmony between the Old Testament and the Talmud. Judaism was created in reaction to Christianity. That's why Judaism has been a revolutionary force in the world for more than 2,000 years.
An example of Judaism's monism is in the Kabbalah, which views good and evil as coming from the same source, being equal and necessary for the elevation of man to divinity (the source of the chosen race complex for both Judaism and Nazism). The obvious result of this belief is that engaging in evil is not considered "bad" but necessary. The ends justifies the means.
Christianity, on the other hand, sees good and evil as deriving from different sources, or more specifically, evil derives from the lack of God, and God is totally sovereign. The Old Testament is also, of course, dualistic. In Christianity, God has no part in evil and, instead, distances Himself from it. For to partake in evil would compromise His very being, His nature.
The Vatican New World Order
by Infowarrior inwe know that the watchtower claims to be seeking accurate truth regarding biblical propheicies regarding the last days and the willd beast and the "world that is laying in the power of the wicked one".. the watchtower inisists it is the faithful and discreet slave who is providing needed spiritual food at the proper time.
however on close examination, is this really the case ?
or is the watchtower, like all other western corporate organizations in the modern western world, simply distracting, subverting, and hiding the truth from thier christian sheep ?.
mP, I think you are confusing the Crusades and the Inquisition with the Early Church. Better go back and sort it out. That's not how it went down.
The Roman Church never had a policy of conversion or death and never took up the sword. There were bands of insurrectionists in isolated cases that did, however. Even in the Inqusition, the Papacy never authorized forced conversions on Jews. In fact, those who tried to force convert Jews were excommunicated. The Church did deal with heretics harshly, however. But Jews and other non-believers could not be considered heretics, so the Church left them alone.
The Vatican New World Order
by Infowarrior inwe know that the watchtower claims to be seeking accurate truth regarding biblical propheicies regarding the last days and the willd beast and the "world that is laying in the power of the wicked one".. the watchtower inisists it is the faithful and discreet slave who is providing needed spiritual food at the proper time.
however on close examination, is this really the case ?
or is the watchtower, like all other western corporate organizations in the modern western world, simply distracting, subverting, and hiding the truth from thier christian sheep ?.
Satanus, Orthodox eschatology holds the 1,000 year reign of Christ as a past event, therefore, the apostasy follows while Satan rules unrestricted. Suffering is expected. Unlike Evangelicals, which are basically Christian Jihadists fighting wars for fleshly Israel and very focused on money and material gain, the Orthodox, and Catholic, are focused on piety and charity. This will remain despite the lack of Christian hegemony.
Is it coincidence that the Kabbalah (Occultism) and the Reformation surged following approximately 1,000 years since Chist came to Earth? Christianity dominated the world from shortly after Christ's death to about the 12th century. Even thereafter, Christianity remained dominant, although corrupted and co-opted. But for those 1,000 years, things were pretty good. Doctrine was pure, the gospel was brought to the four corners of the Earth.
As far as the future is concerned, Satanus, I believe we are experiencing cultural decline at an ever increasing rate. Everything is become very bland, stale, and dark. But what would one expect when everything of value is being dispensed with in the name of progress? We are slowly inching towards a world totalitarian system, which we are unlikely to ever recover from. 1984 is here and will get worse.
The Vatican New World Order
by Infowarrior inwe know that the watchtower claims to be seeking accurate truth regarding biblical propheicies regarding the last days and the willd beast and the "world that is laying in the power of the wicked one".. the watchtower inisists it is the faithful and discreet slave who is providing needed spiritual food at the proper time.
however on close examination, is this really the case ?
or is the watchtower, like all other western corporate organizations in the modern western world, simply distracting, subverting, and hiding the truth from thier christian sheep ?.
Indeed, Satanus. The Protestant Reformation leaders were militant Zionists who took up the sword, and even engaged in magic through Kabbalah. Johannes Reuchlin and Thomas Muntzer, Luther's protege, are two examples of Judaizing reformers. Luther was too, but then pulled a 180 at the last moment. While the Reformation had reason to be pissed off with Rome's corruption, the Marranos seized on the opportunity and co-opted the Reformation and used it to dismantle Christian hegemony in Europe. This dismantling resulted in the success of the French Revolution as well as the Enlightenment. This raises the question: was the Enlightenment at Jewish endeavour?
Xians dont believe in astrology explain Matthews 3 magi, star of Bethlehem ?
by mP inwhy would matthew document that god uses astrology as a device to tell the world about his son ?
was mt lying ?
if the jews didnt believe in astrology why would he waste his time using something offensive to them ?.
More Zeitgeist, Acharya S disinformation.
Anyone here enjoy Opera?
by beksbks inone of my favorites. and the ultimate piece and performer.
Best television opera of all time