Now, note something they did! Normally, they would write cited verses as they appear first in the Bible, e.g Gen6:6; Job...; Matt.... Then did you notice they deferred by citing Jonah ahead of Genesis? I immediately felt something was fishy, and it occurred to me: Jonah 3:10 suited their explanation far better than Gen 6:6, in fact, Gen 6:6 contradicts it! Since, they know they cannot convince a rational mind with these illogical explanations, they tend to confuse the ardent Bible reader (and believer) by superceding one verse that supports their opinion over the others putting the readers into a dilemma as "all sriptures is inspired of God". They sure know the power of confusion, tis like a pun we often did in our primary school debates: we always ended with, "I hope with this few words of mine I have been able to convince you than rather confuse you that farmers are better than doctors..." So instead of "than", we'd say "or" and it made a whole lots of things much easier especially when you, the debater does not actually believe that farmers are better than doctors!
...Well, God said he felt regret, I guess maybe he's regretting saying so now!!! LOL