I am so sorry to hear of your loss Phizzy, I hope your health improves xx
When I was leaving the org some 15 years ago I was warned about how bad the world is, that worldly people would 'devour' me. Granted, I was a naive young one so I can now see their apprehension!
But when I was homeless, complete strangers housed me in their own home, 'worldly' friends let me use their home to wash my laundry and to shower, helped me fix my car so I could get to work and back on my feet. None of them judged me, that is what really hit me!
As an ex JW I brace myself still for the judgement of people, but most of the time it doesn't come.
Those people you mention, they're the kind Jesus and Paul meant when they spoke of people who would be motivated by love, not by works.
JWs are taught that that the way to salvation is to work for it, they don't read the Bible or research outside of WT books so they cannot learn the truth.
I've recently discovered Dr John Dominic Crossan's books by a recommendation on this forum, they are brilliantly written, not too scholarly yet with vast historical and linguistic context which has made the NT come alive for me.
I highly recommend reading his book on the lord's prayer and The First Paul for an instant uplift in mood!