I don't mean this in a nasty way so please don't read this as such, you ask if it's a jw habit and from my personal experience, yes, yes it is.
As jw we are taught that we are the only people who have the truth and everyone else is wrong, they are 'worldly' people from Satan's system. This I believe, creates such an arrogance and superiority within us that we can't stop ourselves from spouting what we believe, too much and too fast, with no realisation of how this is being received until it's too late and we've lost any connection we had with the other person.
This sounds harsh but it has definitely been the case in myself and JWs I know.
Once we leave the org we finally get the opportunity to learn true humility, true compassion and empathy, that draws people to you without any effort or second guessing, there's no pretence or putting on an act like JWs do, and that is instinctively felt by others. This is how Jesus himself must have been, according to the gospels, people felt drawn to him, he was on their level in all sincerity, not pretending, and from there he had people enthralled and following him day and night just to hear him teach.