I was thinking about the male children ( even unbaptized ) being placed ahead of the sisters. ; and I thought the JW were raising a bunch of misogynist. Would these kids not feel more important than their mothers let alone other women. I remember a sister covering her head to pray because her young son was baptized. The last congregation I was in, there was a brother who would always scold his wife because he said she ran ahead of him. Well, she had to or they would have been hungry and on the streets. She would get physically sick and have to go to bed for days because of his ( at least ) verbal abuse. Some of these guys idea of headship is letting their wives work, but the guys get to buy themselves big boy toys. So what take do you all have on this subject. Maybe you have firsthand experience with young baptized boys in the home. Maybe you have had a husband who felt so important he couldn't see past his own head.
unbaptized boy having priority over women
by enoughisenough 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Bible says women should be quiet. The Bible relegates women to a lesser position in the congregation. No surprise they are just following suit. The Bible is a joke and they are just following suit.
Beth Sarim
They should always keep a cowboy hat ready in homes,, khs or wherever
For the situation presents itself. For when a woman has to pray.
resolute Bandicoot
Look on the bright side, you are not a muslim Woman.
Whereas the Bible does say women are to be silent in the congregation, does that give cause for boys to rank higher than women? The Bible talks about Jesus being with his earthly family and being in subjection to them. Yep, in some countries, the swine are treated better than the women.
My experience in cong as that when a certain 14 year old male was baptized, the kid was to have the lead in a car group of three women, to tell them what territory to work, etc. He was literally placed over senior ones who had pioneered for years. This wasa crock then and it is now GB/elders/MS/male kids all flexing their muscles.. No one paid attention to it then, especially his mother- but how it is now, a directive has gone out to everyone that this is now the case. Crap! Unfortunately the women will keep it to themselves while fuming- but god forbid they say anything. They need a union, as if.
First Tim 2:12 is where, Paul wrote ( some have concluded Paul didn't write that book ) " I do not permit ( allow, suffer ) women to teach...exercise authority over men......
I find this interesting because He writes " I."...in the old testament women were prophetess and judges. Were they not teaching and having authority? If God didn't change, what's up? When Paul was writng to Timothy, was that just his opinion? In 1 Cor 7: 8,9,10 he gives marital advice, some of which is his own opinion, even writing he basically had no need of women.
Ps 68:11 women telling good news a large army. ( What? are they not also speaking to/teaching men? ) ( so you think, yes, but not in congregations --but they met in people's homes. So if a women is teaching several in a Home bible study, could one not conclude she is teaching a congregation? I had another thought about women not teaching in the congregation: they actually do/have done it indirectly: their school assignments teach others good or bad by example. If their husband's talk wasn't specially outline, it was often the wife who did the reseach and wrote up the talk for the husband or their sons. Barbara Anderson was a researcher for the writers of the WT...so was she really not an indirect teacher in the congregation?
If one took Paul's words to timothy at full value, a women would keep her mouth shut and net even comment at meetings. And she would ask her husband things she wanted clarified which isn't so likely as often the women are intelligent enough to get it even when the men don't.
another thought: if women were to be silent in the congregations, wouldn't that rule out singing praises to God?
Paul's letters are not all in the Bible, so we don't have a full picture of why he wrote what he did. It is very likely, going by context, that there was an issue with the women in that particular congregation, like with other corrections and admonitions in his letters, that didn't make it a blanket rule for all congregations.
It's also very possible that these anti women verses were added at a much later date, and not by the original writer at all.
Beroean Voices channel on YouTube has been an eye opener for me regarding the history, accuracy and origin of the NT.
'All scripture is inspired of God' was written before the NT even existed, what we have now, is what the Catholic Church deemed 'holy scripture' in the 3rd century. And they had no original writings to go on, only copies. Copies full of mistakes, damaged and marginal notes of which no one knows if they were in the original or added afterwards.
Makes we wonder what they kept hidden in the Vatican vaults?
The stuff that Area 51 can’t handle? 😏
In one congregation I was with, they were using unbaptised boys to handle the microphones, something “sisters” are forbidden to do. In another congregation, an unbaptised boy helped operate the sound system - despite being an outright little thug. Still, by virtue of having the correct plumbing, he was permitted to have a certain “privilege” denied all females!