I meant to add, it was fulfilled in the 1st century.
JoinedPosts by KerryKing
Why did God give the Ministry of Reconciliation (Justification) to the apostles instead of the Kingdom message?
by Sea Breeze inwhy did god give the ministry of reconciliation (justification) to the apostles when starting churches rather that the kingdom message in matt.
24: 14 that jesus spoke about?
2 cor.
Why did God give the Ministry of Reconciliation (Justification) to the apostles instead of the Kingdom message?
by Sea Breeze inwhy did god give the ministry of reconciliation (justification) to the apostles when starting churches rather that the kingdom message in matt.
24: 14 that jesus spoke about?
2 cor.
The witnesses would dislike that 😁
Personally I think Jesus end times prophecies refer to the end of the world as the Jews knew it, their world, their capital city, their temple and way of life, and it was preached in all the Roman world, which was the only world they knew and understood. Jesus only preached to the Jews in his ministry, so his words about their future was for them mainly.
Of course I could be totally wrong, that's just how I read it at the moment.
Why did God give the Ministry of Reconciliation (Justification) to the apostles instead of the Kingdom message?
by Sea Breeze inwhy did god give the ministry of reconciliation (justification) to the apostles when starting churches rather that the kingdom message in matt.
24: 14 that jesus spoke about?
2 cor.
I think it is because Jesus brought the reconciliation meal (himself ) to God's people, and invited them to sit at the table with God.
The apostles didn't bring the meal, it was already there, they had to keep extending the invitation, outwards to Gentiles as well as Jews living abroad.
John Dominic Crossan explains it really well, and very different from all Christian churches, in his book The First Paul.
The World Today
by peacefulpete ini've been meaning to share some recent experiences that defy the usual tropes about the 'world gone to hell' or 'people now days".. as some of you may remember i was seriously ill for a while and had to close my business and shop.
now, as it seems i have beaten it, i put up a sign again advertising that in a limited way i'm back.. what amazes me is how many times over the past 2 years customers and even competition have written and called to express their concern and best wishes.
just last week i had a personal visit of someone who i thought of as a rival, come in and shake my hand sincerely happy to see me up and around.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss Phizzy, I hope your health improves xx
When I was leaving the org some 15 years ago I was warned about how bad the world is, that worldly people would 'devour' me. Granted, I was a naive young one so I can now see their apprehension!
But when I was homeless, complete strangers housed me in their own home, 'worldly' friends let me use their home to wash my laundry and to shower, helped me fix my car so I could get to work and back on my feet. None of them judged me, that is what really hit me!
As an ex JW I brace myself still for the judgement of people, but most of the time it doesn't come.
Those people you mention, they're the kind Jesus and Paul meant when they spoke of people who would be motivated by love, not by works.
JWs are taught that that the way to salvation is to work for it, they don't read the Bible or research outside of WT books so they cannot learn the truth.
I've recently discovered Dr John Dominic Crossan's books by a recommendation on this forum, they are brilliantly written, not too scholarly yet with vast historical and linguistic context which has made the NT come alive for me.
I highly recommend reading his book on the lord's prayer and The First Paul for an instant uplift in mood!
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/rjr0ugtu6zu?si=d3zsz20ee33gytxi.
these new appointments are troubling, to say the least, especially considering the factors surrounding their selection.
these appointments raise key concerns about leadership, experience, and what is happening behind the scenes at the organization's headquarters.
The term Governing Body is a corporate term, their 501c3 regulations state that they have to have a GB, so it's a legal thing, actually nothing at all to do with anything biblical whatsoever.
They can use that to explain the non anointed appointments whenever it suits them to do so, and fall back on a separate faithful slave when the need arises. I think they left themselves an escape clause.
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/rjr0ugtu6zu?si=d3zsz20ee33gytxi.
these new appointments are troubling, to say the least, especially considering the factors surrounding their selection.
these appointments raise key concerns about leadership, experience, and what is happening behind the scenes at the organization's headquarters.
I wonder whether it is their overlords, the Master with the money, as opposed to their supposed Master, God, who are actually behind these additions, as well as the recent companies started up in Ireland.
Annual Meeting live updates
by ukpimo ini have obtained the live link for the annual meeting tomorrow:.
annual meeting live link.
the meeting will begin at 9:45am eastern time, for those of us in the uk, that will be 2:45pm.
Their was an attempt to give the WHO the authority to overrule local government in events pertaining to planet/human/animal health but it failed. Many countries refused.
Apparently the UN has achieved it somehow through the back door as it were. I don't have evidence, just rumour from a source I can't verify, but if it's true then I think WT already knows about it, and is actively collaborating with the UN and WEF as they must under their 501c3 agreement.
If it has already gone into effect, then the UN is now an extremely powerful entity. Interesting times!
2024 Annual Meeting Doctrinal Change
by Listener ina change to their doctrine came from jackson.
this isn't a transcript of his whole speech but i thought i would try and get some of his main speech in writing.. at around 1hr26 minutes he starts talking about some dangerous thinking in feeling there is some wiggle room in regards to the schedule for the gt.
but you see, we need to be careful about what we are thinking about the number of anointed ones left on earth.
The UN recently managed to pass legislation, or whatever it's called, which failed for the WHO, that they will have the authority to over rule local governments and authorities in events involving Planet, Human and Animal Health. Maybe that includes war, I don't know but it also involves the WEF.
Your man in the talk isn't prophesying, at least, not on behalf of God, but sharing the inside info that he has been allowed to share. The WT corporations are signed up to WEF organisations which are trying to bring all religions together. WT is actively involved up to the eyeballs, I wonder what they have been promised in reward by their human rulers?
Are these two also supposed to be anointed? Or are they just promoted rnf Bethelites?
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/lkflr6sgyfm?si=j4gopnyfpy3wxnxs.
in what can only be described as a win for truth, justice, and religious freedom (depending on who you ask ofcourse), the paris administrative court has come to the defense of jehovah’s witnesses.
on june 14, 2024, the court ruled that miviludes, france’s government agency for monitoring cult-like behavior, had committed the heinous crime of defamation against jehovah’s witnesses.france unlike most other countries has an agency that monitors destructive cults and gets who is in their list: jehovah’s witnesses, i wonder why that is.
I am beginning to think that WT won't fall because of CSA cases, the elites, the politicians, the royals are all too implicated themselves.
Child abuse was the norm in Ancient Rome and in the higher echelons of society, today's 'patricians and senators' , things are just as depraved and debauched.
Maybe their fall will be because of financial scandal. Who knows.