Organized religion is not for me. I dont think that it's neccesarily a bad thing for everyone. Some people need religion to help set themselves straight. Some people need answers, and cannot live without them. I for one have learned to be ok with the questions that life hands us. All that organized religions really are, is a group of men trying to understand their place in life, and creating a set belief system to guide that.
I chose not to be a part of a set belief system. My views are ever changing with new ideas and new evidence that is set before me. What is wrong with not believing in revealed religion or revealed "holy" books? Why would it be so wrong to say that we are not placed on this earth with one way of doing things? I enjoy using my brain, coming to my own conclusions, and being free to challenge and change those conclusions if new ideas come my way. I love to think freely and make my own choices. I will never let a religion take that away from me again.
Thankful to be a free human being,