You'd think they would welcome the chance to bring new sheep into the fold, but they realize that it's more likely that one taste of the real world will lead their sheep astray.
JoinedPosts by Spoletta
Nov '16 Study Edition Watchtower - OBEY, scum!
by punkofnice insorry about the quality, but if you knew the tech i was using you'd be happified............. .
Giving money is thrilling?
by punkofnice inwatchtower study edition nov 16 pg 19. classic............................ .
The world "thrilling" appears a lot in the literature, often to the most mundane announcement . As I look around the comatose congregation, thrilled is not what comes to mind.
You know it's the Truth, because it attracts crazy people.
by schnell ini wish i was kidding, but i have heard this idea suggested lately as a defense of the wts.
this is god's organization, even though it attracts crazy people, and because it attracts crazy people.
"unlettered and ordinary," et cetera.. i don't get it.
I think there are a lot of lonely people who welcome any sort friendship or sense of community, that come into "The Truth". They may be well aware of the problems with doctrine, but find a kind of acceptance that they haven't experienced before. Whether it's real or not, at least it's something.
JW employing pre-teens to work religious propaganda phonebank
by oppostate in.
what do you think about using pre-teens to work religious propaganda phonebank?.
While not disputing that that a child phone bank is a terrible idea, it looks to me as if the kids are just doing a demonstration. Hopefully, they'll go home and forget what they've just done, the fate of most presentations.
Honest Questions About Child Abuse
by Richard Oliver ini have two honest questions for everyone here.
i understand that most here want retribution from the courts against watchtower for child abuse allegations.
but let us take away the instances where someone was accused of child abuse and then later put back into a position of authority, such as an elder or an ms. let us just take the cases where a regular publisher or even an appointed person, with no previous accusation of child abuse has come up against that person.
My argument would be that whether there are laws or not, our responsibility is to protect our children. The Organization's prime purpose is to protect itself. Just because you don't break the law doesn't mean you aren't immoral or unethical, about which I believe the Bible has something to say.
Honest Questions About Child Abuse
by Richard Oliver ini have two honest questions for everyone here.
i understand that most here want retribution from the courts against watchtower for child abuse allegations.
but let us take away the instances where someone was accused of child abuse and then later put back into a position of authority, such as an elder or an ms. let us just take the cases where a regular publisher or even an appointed person, with no previous accusation of child abuse has come up against that person.
Under present Watchtower policy, it's possible for a pedophile to tearfully confess his crime, go through a period of "repentance" and return to the congregation with no one being the wiser. Meanwhile, people in "the world" will have no inkling that a predator is among them, which makes the Watchtower responsible for all that individual's acts. Surely no one can defend a policy that allows this.
Noah a Preacher of Righteousness?
by Spoletta induring the watchtower study today, i browsed genesis and looked for evidence of noah ever preaching to anyone.
from what i could glean from the scriptures, it was a foregone conclusion that noah's family would be it on the ark.
(unless they towed some rafts behind) my wife says that building the ark could be considered a witness of his faith to the wicked world, but that seems kind of lame to me.. so, should i just assume that god decided not to give anyone else a chance for redemption?
Some good points, but as this commentary says, we can only make assumptions from what is stated in the Bible. It is telling, however, that the dimensions of the Ark were set before Noah began building it, which seems to indicate that God didn't have much faith in Noah's preaching ability. -
Noah a Preacher of Righteousness?
by Spoletta induring the watchtower study today, i browsed genesis and looked for evidence of noah ever preaching to anyone.
from what i could glean from the scriptures, it was a foregone conclusion that noah's family would be it on the ark.
(unless they towed some rafts behind) my wife says that building the ark could be considered a witness of his faith to the wicked world, but that seems kind of lame to me.. so, should i just assume that god decided not to give anyone else a chance for redemption?
During the Watchtower study today, I browsed Genesis and looked for evidence of Noah ever preaching to anyone. From what I could glean from the scriptures, it was a foregone conclusion that Noah's family would be it on the Ark.(unless they towed some rafts behind) My wife says that building the Ark could be considered a witness of his faith to the wicked world, but that seems kind of lame to me.
So, should I just assume that God decided not to give anyone else a chance for redemption? It seems kind of unfair, when you consider the amount of time it took to build the Ark. Shouldn't Noah be held somewhat responsible for not making more of an effort?
I just say this because many of the comments today tried to tie in the Door to Door ministry with Noah's example and I just couldn't see it.
by A Believer inyou guys do know that if you just leave and never go back you wont be disfellowshiped right?
i know people who have done exactly this.
you have to commit a sin and you or someone else has to tell a elder.
So, the only way to guarantee you won't be disfellowshipped and shunned by your friends and family, is to move far away and break off contact with your friends and family. It's so simple!
Geoffrey Jackson, Deuteronomy 18:22
by Spoletta innot sure if this has been commented on, but while reading a discussion, deuteronomy 18:22 was mentioned.
i looked it up, and was struck by its connection to a remark made by geoffrey jackson during his arc testimony.
the gist of the scripture is that if a prophet declares something is from god and it doesn't come true, he is speaking presumptuously, and should not be feared.
Not sure if this has been commented on, but while reading a discussion, Deuteronomy 18:22 was mentioned. I looked it up, and was struck by its connection to a remark made by Geoffrey Jackson during his ARC testimony. The gist of the scripture is that if a prophet declares something is from God and it doesn't come true, he is speaking presumptuously, and should not be feared. In fact, he should die. I can't help but think this was a planned response to any question about the GB as Jehovah's channel of communication. First of all, he says that it would "seem" to be presumptuous to say that the GB is the channel, not that it "is" presumptuous. Secondly, by not claiming to be prophets, the GB can say that the Scripture doesn't apply to them. In my opinion, he worded his response very cleverly to give the opposite impression of what he actually said. Another case of not taking responsibility for any direction the GB gives to the rank and file.