Wow. What you wrote is very sad yet extremely poetic and beautiful.
JoinedPosts by SunnyOne026
Who Are You?
by compound complex ini have made repeated attempts to move on with my life despite your decision to plague my every thought and move.
i cannot move forward.
a change of venue, that of diet, even new clothes have afforded me a frivolous and temporary elevation of spirits.
Good-bye Jehovah (poem)
by SunnyOne026 init has been several months now, since i learned ttat and the shock and grief is slowly lifting, although some days are harder than others.
after 40 years a devout believer i guess i should not be surprised that the transition has been challenging and the losses immense, and i am sure very many of you can relate to my struggles.
i frequently read the posts on here and my heart goes out to all of you, who grieve and struggle each in your own way, and i wish all of you continued courage and peace.
Hi there All or Nothing. I understand what you're saying and I feel for you. In fact, I initially disassociated myself about 17 years ago for that very reason after a series of tragedies in my life because I felt that Jehovah either wasn't there or didn't care about me enough to respond to my heartfelt supplications. But unfortunately, I didn't do any research outside the WT org at the time, so I returned to the cult about a year later because I missed my friends so much and I still thought it was the closest religion to what could be the truth. What a mistake!😳 Later, when my son became a teenager he started having doubts and left the borg. When I would tell him that one reason I believed it was the Truth was because Jehovah so often answered my prayers, he used to say to me, "Mom, when something good happens you give credit to Jehovah and when things go badly you blame it on Satan. But good and bad things happen to everybody, no matter what their spiritual beliefs are." I wasn't ready to hear that at the time, of course, but now, not only do I realize the veracity of my son's words, I also realize that I was captive to the WT reasoning that told us "we have to be patient and wait on Jehovah, Jehovah knows what we need better than we do, Jehovah will only fix all our problems in the new system and he wants us to prove our love for him by our endurance, etc., etc..."
With such reasoning it is always possible to convince ourselves that God really is listening to us, whether he is or not.
There's more I want to say, but I will private message you when I have a chance, if you don't mind.
My heart truly goes out to you.
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Good-bye Jehovah (poem)
by SunnyOne026 init has been several months now, since i learned ttat and the shock and grief is slowly lifting, although some days are harder than others.
after 40 years a devout believer i guess i should not be surprised that the transition has been challenging and the losses immense, and i am sure very many of you can relate to my struggles.
i frequently read the posts on here and my heart goes out to all of you, who grieve and struggle each in your own way, and i wish all of you continued courage and peace.
Good-bye Jehovah (poem)
by SunnyOne026 init has been several months now, since i learned ttat and the shock and grief is slowly lifting, although some days are harder than others.
after 40 years a devout believer i guess i should not be surprised that the transition has been challenging and the losses immense, and i am sure very many of you can relate to my struggles.
i frequently read the posts on here and my heart goes out to all of you, who grieve and struggle each in your own way, and i wish all of you continued courage and peace.
Good-bye Jehovah (poem)
by SunnyOne026 init has been several months now, since i learned ttat and the shock and grief is slowly lifting, although some days are harder than others.
after 40 years a devout believer i guess i should not be surprised that the transition has been challenging and the losses immense, and i am sure very many of you can relate to my struggles.
i frequently read the posts on here and my heart goes out to all of you, who grieve and struggle each in your own way, and i wish all of you continued courage and peace.
Thank you, Diogenesister. I'm glad you liked my poem. I liked yours, too! lol! Thanks for the chuckle.
Good-bye Jehovah (poem)
by SunnyOne026 init has been several months now, since i learned ttat and the shock and grief is slowly lifting, although some days are harder than others.
after 40 years a devout believer i guess i should not be surprised that the transition has been challenging and the losses immense, and i am sure very many of you can relate to my struggles.
i frequently read the posts on here and my heart goes out to all of you, who grieve and struggle each in your own way, and i wish all of you continued courage and peace.
Good-bye Jehovah (poem)
by SunnyOne026 init has been several months now, since i learned ttat and the shock and grief is slowly lifting, although some days are harder than others.
after 40 years a devout believer i guess i should not be surprised that the transition has been challenging and the losses immense, and i am sure very many of you can relate to my struggles.
i frequently read the posts on here and my heart goes out to all of you, who grieve and struggle each in your own way, and i wish all of you continued courage and peace.
It has been several months now, since I learned TTAT and the shock and grief is slowly lifting, although some days are harder than others. After 40 years a devout believer I guess I should not be surprised that the transition has been challenging and the losses immense, and I am sure very many of you can relate to my struggles. I frequently read the posts on here and my heart goes out to all of you, who grieve and struggle each in your own way, and I wish all of you continued courage and peace. I also wish to sincerely thank everyone here who shares their experiences as well as links to interesting and/or important information. Your posts have helped me immensely.
I am also currently getting help from a compassionate psychologist, who, although he is not an expert in cults, is trying his best to understand and support me. As well, I am continuing to do research on religion, cults, the Bible and ancient religions, as well as researching life from a scientific and archaeological viewpoint. At first I think I was looking for a solid set of beliefs to replace my former JW belief system, but the more research I do the more I realize that is not likely to happen for me (although I fully support any of you who feel you have found some new version of 'truth' that satisfies you). One of the hardest things for me to come to terms with was that Jehovah wasn't real and the Bible itself contains many "holes" that make it's validity questionable at best. (Of course, I in no way wish to discourage or offend any of you who still hold the Bible as sacred and accurate, and I respect your right to believe whatever makes the most sense to you.) I am not an atheist -- I still believe in some higher power or intelligent universe that brought everything into existence or at least guided the evolution of life on earth. This being said -- my concept of God remains vague and uncertain.
I wrote this poem today and I decided to share it, since I think some of you could relate to it. I hope none of you will find it offensive, and I apologize in advance if you do. I welcome your comments.
Good-bye Jehovah
Bright, talented and only fifteen
A writer or artist could have easily been
I surrendered my dreams and relinquished my power
To the Father the Son and the Holy “Watchtower”
I discarded my sweetheart and most of my friends
and worried my family would die in the end
I went door to door with Bibles and tracts
To spread the good news of dubious “facts”
The God named Jehovah was real to me
Like his son Christ Jesus, I strove hard to be
I wanted to save the world with the “Truth”
And lead them to fountains of eternal youth
My motives were pure, but I was misled
Fantasies and lies were the food we were fed
All the prayers and the songs still haunt me like ghosts
But saying “Good-bye Jehovah” is what grieves me the most
For Jah was my friend and my guiding light
I spoke to him throughout every day and night
I believed that he heard me and truly cared
Such faith gave me courage when I was scared
Now I must let go of this burning belief
Though I’m weeping and trembling like a falling leaf
For I know too much and see all too well
The road I was travelling was the path to hell
So good bye now Jesus, Jehovah, Elohim
If there is a true God, I’ve not come to know him
I’ll take full responsibility for my own life
The smiles, the tears, the joy, the strife
Yet all is not lost for I realize
There’s still love in my heart and light in my eyes
I would rather live a life of quiet uncertainty
Than be certain of empty promises that will never be
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Pillowgate - John Cedars
by CitizenofEarth inis this true?
is this really true?!.
I am told this is what the Bethel sisters in the cleaning department are having to deal with.
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In theory, can one be disfellowshipped for attempted suicide?
by Saename inso i was recently reading the reasons for disfellowshipping as listed in shepherd the flock of god.
the handbook is available online here: on page 59, point #4, it lists attempted suicide as a reason for disfellowshipping.
has it ever been removed?
A young sister who suffered from severe depression and whom I was very close to had to face a judicial committee because she attempted suicide. She was reproved but not df'd. I was shocked that they had reproved a severely depressed young person. I did my best to comfort her. Later on, when my then husband became an elder I was aware of other suicide attempts because of sisters confiding in me. Knowing my husband was on one of the committees investigating one of these attempts I strongly encouraged him to be gentle and leniant with the person in question. She was a single mom with young children and I didn't want the elders to precipitate another attempt. To my knowledge my advice was heeded.
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A woman without a voice
by SunnyOne026 inthis is my story in a nut-shell.
i hope some of you can relate.
if you can..i would love to hear from you.. i have been crushed and heartbroken more times than i can recount by a religion that claims to be based totally on love and mercy and most of that harm has come from the so called "shepherds" who or are supposed to lovingly take the stray lambs in their arms and lead them gently back to safety.
My time, unfortunately is limited on here, although I wish talking to all of you was the only thing I had to do for the next few weeks. There is so much I want to learn about you and much that I wish to share. Emerging from the WT fog and being able to see and think with genuine clarity is an enormous struggle, as I am sure most of you here realize. But I wish to thank all of you beautiful people for your courage and strength and love and your desire to follow your own conscience rather than to have how to think, feel and act be dictated to you by a group of aging and out of touch men who mistakenly believe they are directed by God. That is not to say some of these men aren't sincere. I cannot judge them, even though they may be quick to judge me. God is the only true judge and before his own master each one stands or falls.
However, I wish to thank every one of you who have been so kind as to respond to my posts. I promise I will private message each one of you shortly or otherwise get back to you asap.
Thank you, and may the God of heaven and earth, whatever you conceive him to be, bless you abundantly for your courage and love.
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