Yup, a friend of mine whose spouse found their stash of apostate materials, was left by their spouse on the basis that the spouse's spirituality was endangered by remaining in the same household with the apostate. Rather than staying and trying to help the spouse work through any crisis they may be going through. Fine Christian love, that.
JoinedPosts by starfish422
New Divorce Rules ???
by jazbug ina friend of mine is getting a divorce because her husband is questioning the wts...he's sick of the cover-ups...in light of a new elder abuse case here.
she says she can't lie with someone who is going to talk against the wts..so i asked her how she could get a divorce for those reasons.
evidentally, the co came to talk to her and because she can't get govt.
ebay: what have you bought/sold
by RAYZORBLADE inyes, i know....there've been topics started discussed about ebay.. i've had an absolute blast with it as of recent.. what have i bought lately?.
a yellow dial telephone in excellent condition (from manitoba).
several 45's (vinyl records).. i'm amazed at what you can find on there.
Maternity clothes, cloth diapers, a breast pump,a baby name book, a crib skirt (yup, I'm pregnant), a putter grip for DH's golf set, a Hallowe'en costume for my 3-year-old (Clifford the Big Red Dog ), and printer cartridges. That's all that comes to mind right now. I've been eBaying for a while now, though, so I'm sure I'm forgetting something. :)
**edited to say, I've been a buyer only so far.
Low Meeting Attendance Means Wrongdoing!
by Englishman indid anyone ever come across the idea that meeting attendances were an indication of how much spirit jehovah was giving or witholding from the congregation?.
..and that this was directly related to whether or not there was any secret wrondoing within the congregation that was "blocking the spirit" and thereby restricting the "increase"?.
just a couple of instances:.
I remember one congregation nearby that had set up in a converted former church, until they had enough money to build a real KH. My dad later on said that they never had any growth or progress "until they got out of that damn church building". LOL
Minimus & His Mother
by minimus ini love my mother dearly.
she is a very good person in her late 70's.
she's caring and a "good christian woman".
Egad, your dialogue gave me unpleasant flashbacks of living with my mom. I wasn't prepared for that today.
At least you try, Min. (((HUGS))) to your mom for loving her son although he is an apostate. LOL
I preached the 'truth' to an active JW, her jaw is still on the ground!
by BLISSISIGNORANCE inwell, the best thing about being a fader is that you can still talk to dubs you meet.
they think they can us the contact to upbuild you and you use it to plant the seeds of 'truth' which is what i did in this situation.. last week when i was at the markets i saw a sister shopping and although i normally avoid dubs, i didn't this time.
i said hello and she was very happy to speak to me.
Bliss, I can't tell you how sorry I am for what happened to your child; but good on you for letting it be known what garbage you were subjected to by the BOE!! (((HUGS)))
What Bugs You The Most About Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus inis it the theology?
is it the smugness that many witnesses have?
is it the multitude of false prophecies and errors?
I can only choose one thing?
In that case, I choose the Faithful & Discreet Slave. They make me want to vomit. They sit up there in their tower in Brooklyn, making decisions for millions of people, and enforcing those decisions through their legions of minions (aka BOE) around the world. Mind you, that doesn't mean that when a decision has been made, it's final; oh, no, there's always new light and another pendulum swing on key issues. They have got such nerve; one would almost think that they have a pact to see how many wild variations the great crowd will accept before they finally crack. Bastards!!
Nauseating e-mail
by SpunkyChick inmy friend's intentions are sweet, but read this forward she e-mailed me and tell me if you'd reply, if so, what would you say?
i found myself getting angry that people would actually forward this crap to me.. .
god still sits on the throne.
I particularly love the Jesus emails that try to guilt you into forwarding it on; the ones that say, "Every day we forward jokes and similar emails without thinking twice; yet when we get emails of a spiritual nature, we often hesitate before sending them."
Well, no hesitation here; I delete them immediately!
Canadian Amber Alert - Missing 9-year-old Toronto girl
by starfish422 inhttp://http://codeamber.org/dong/
9-year-old girl taken from her bedroom overnight last night.
please click on the link above and forward the link to everyone on your mailing list.
Canadian Amber Alert - Missing 9-year-old Toronto girl
by starfish422 inhttp://http://codeamber.org/dong/
9-year-old girl taken from her bedroom overnight last night.
please click on the link above and forward the link to everyone on your mailing list.
Whoops, in my haste to post I didn't pay attention. Thanks xjw.
Canadian Amber Alert - Missing 9-year-old Toronto girl
by starfish422 inhttp://http://codeamber.org/dong/
9-year-old girl taken from her bedroom overnight last night.
please click on the link above and forward the link to everyone on your mailing list.
9-year-old girl taken from her bedroom overnight last night. Please click on the link above and forward the link to everyone on your mailing list. Thank you.