Low Meeting Attendance Means Wrongdoing!

by Englishman 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Did anyone ever come across the idea that meeting attendances were an indication of how much spirit Jehovah was giving or witholding from the congregation?

    ..And that this was directly related to whether or not there was any secret wrondoing within the congregation that was "blocking the spirit" and thereby restricting the "increase"?

    Just a couple of instances:

    One of my early congregations had a 10% fall in it's Memorial attendance in successive years. This prompted a "remnant" lady to advise the PO that the spirit was being blocked for some reason. Co-incidentally, a 15 year old sister was found to have been sexually active, publicely reproved from the platform with all the details of what and how, and generally made to look like a tart. The next years Memorial attendance was up by several points and heads nodded wisely at the rooting out of the wrongdoing.

    A year or so later, an International assembly was held at Twickenham, London. The attendence was over 50,000 to the public talk. The next year, at Twickenham again, the attendance was in the low 40's. Whatever could be wrong?

    It transpired that at the second Twickenham assembly, huge communal tents had been erected in the stadium grounds as an alternative accomodation to the normal rooming reservations. Mostly occupied by younger folk, much bonking had taken place there, despite the tents being segregated according to gender. It was rumoured that over 100 DF'ings had taken place as a result of this, and THAT WAS WHY THE ATTENDANCE WAS DOWN!

    The spin-off from all of this was that many people measured their activities by the meeting attendance in their own particular congregation. If the meeting attendance rose, then so did masturbation and petting!

    Did anyone else encounter this sort of thinking during their time in the dubs?


  • Emma

    Does this mean meeting attendance is down everywhere?

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    yes, Englishman,

    The congregation I attended ( Huntington, Long Island, New York) was in a residential neighborhood. It was discoverd that the neighbors daughter and her boyfriend were using the KH parking lot to park their car at nite ( not visible from the road) and have a little "fun" .

    After leaving the faith, many years later, my Dad, who was an elder, told us that there were many meetings with the CO over this issue and the CO kept emphatically telling all the local elders that "no wonder Jehovahs spirit is not on this congregation, ". They spoke to the girls parents and prohibited them from entering the parking lot.

    In hindsight, it is all so ridiculus.


  • rocketman

    Yes, that association was sometimes made, though I don't recall figures to back it up, mostly because figures weren't given. You'd just hear some association between wrongdoing and God's spirit being withheld, and not "blessing" the congregation.

  • simplesally

    Before the Memorial, in the halls I was in, there were always a ton of jc meetings.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Have the Charismatics invaded and gained a foothold?



    the devil and demons, and how they influence real events and all..... The dubs are big on that sort of thing...wouldnt suprise me if they go on a "witch hunt".

  • rocketman

    It's all such a big coinky-dink. For example, we had a case when I was an elder where a person had gone on for months doing stuff that got them finally df'd. In that time, there was no noticeable change in anything going on in the congregation.

  • avishai
    Mostly occupied by younger folk, much bonking had taken place there, despite the tents being segregated according to gender

    DAMMITT!!!! Why, oh why were'nt my assemblies like that?

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Of course, of course, blame the dropoff in meeting attendance on anything but the banality of the subjects, the incessant guilt-slathering, tiresome repitiition of the tired old JW mantra, all delivered perfunctorily by speakers with hardly a pulse or any blood in their veins.

  • willyloman

    What 215 said.

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