JoinedPosts by starfish422
Suggest Some New User Names For Potential Posters
by minimus insince we all know that thousands lurk this site, why not help them get started by suggesting a poster name?
i've heard of some posters regretting the name that they have chosen.
(personally i like minimus
Different type of bible study
by freedom96 inlast night i went with a friend to a bible study promoted by his non-denominational church.. from time to time, some of the church will get together for a few weeks in someones home and have a study.
this one was six weeks long, and certainly was not manditory.. i entered the home, and instantly had flashbacks to book studies.
chairs were set out, but there was joy in the air.
Freedom96, I am not a Christian and wouldn't attend a "bible study" as such; however, I am so glad that you had a positive experience in a warm atmosphere! Good for you for taking a chance and stepping outside your "comfort zone".
I do have friends I get together with and discuss philosophy, religion, politics, etc. and it is so stimulating and refreshing. Many of us have different views but it's so great to discuss them without anyone worrying about others trying to convert people.
Thanks so much for sharing your encouraging experience. I hope you return to the study!
butter or mayo?
by SpiceItUp inok matty and i are having a disagreement (we'll tell you who likes what later after we get some input)... .
when you eat a standard sandwich (made with flat white/wheat square bread with lunchmeat) which is a given: .
1. that butter would be spread on the bread unlesss otherwise requested.
At my favourite deli, they always ask whether I want butter. I usually get it. Mayo goes on turkey, ham & swiss, and occasionally roast beef if I'm also having spicy mustard or horseradish. Otherwise, yellow mustard on ham & cheddar or roast beef.
I don't like Miracle Whip, it's too sweet.
And I liked my grilled cheese dipped in ketchup.
Moderators, could someone please edit the link out of Chevysnats original post as it is a link directly into her yahoo account? Don't want any trouble for her.
A question for those who do NOT live in the United States
by logansrun ini've heard it over and over again in conversations about the us -- "what other country would you rather live in?
" the question is stated in such a fashion as to say that nothing is better than living in the good 'ol us of a.
"what, are you stupid?
I continue to be glad that I don't live in the US, for many reasons, but starting with the Patriot Act. Any country that could allow such a pervasive bill to be passed is not the place for me.
What I Want For Christmas
by starfish422 inrobert ingersoll, 1833-1899: if i had the power to produce exactly what i want for next christmas, i would have all the kings and emperors resign and allow the people to govern themselves.. i would have all the nobility crop their titles and give their lands back to the people.
i would have the pope throw away his tiara, take off his sacred vestments, and admit that he is not acting for god - is not infallible - but is just an ordinary italian.
i would have all the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests and clergymen admit that they know nothing about theology, nothing about hell or heaven, nothing about the destiny of the human race, nothing about devils or ghosts, gods or angels.
Robert Ingersoll, 1833-1899:
If I had the power to produce exactly what I want for next Christmas, I would have all the kings and emperors resign and allow the people to govern themselves.
I would have all the nobility crop their titles and give their lands back to the people. I would have the Pope throw away his tiara, take off his sacred vestments, and admit that he is not acting for God - is not infallible - but is just an ordinary Italian. I would have all the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests and clergymen admit that they know nothing about theology, nothing about hell or heaven, nothing about the destiny of the human race, nothing about devils or ghosts, gods or angels. I would have them tell all their "flocks" to think for themselves, to be manly men and womanly women, and to do all in their power to increase the sum of human happiness.
I would have all the professors in colleges, all the teachers in schools of every kind, including those in Sunday schools, agree that they would teach only what they know, that they would not palm off guesses as demonstrated truths.
I would like to see all the politicians changed to statesmen, - to men who long to make their country great and free, - to men who care more for public good than private gain - men who long to be of use.
I would like to see all the editors of papers and magazines agree to print the truth and nothing but the truth, to avoid all slander and misrepresentation, and to let the private affairs of the people alone.
I would like to see drunkenness and prohibition both abolished.
I would like to see corporal punishment done away with in every home, in every school, in every asylum, reformatory, and prison. Cruelty hardens and degrades, kindness reforms and ennobles.
I would like to see the millionaires unite and form a trust for the public good.
I would like to see a fair division of profits between capital and labor, so that the toiler could save enough to mingle a little June with the December of his life.
I would like to see an international court established in which to settle disputes between nations, so that armies could be disbanded and the great navies allowed to rust and rot in perfect peace.
I would like to see the whole world free - free from injustice - free from superstition.
This will do for next Christmas. The following Christmas, I may want more. -
Worst song you've ever heard.
by FlyingHighNow inwhat is the worst song you've ever heard?
you know, the song that grated on your nerves and made you want to scream if you ever heard it again?
if it's a kingdom song please tell and please tell us what popular song you detested.
Paradise by the Dashboard Light; and actually, pretty much anything else by Meatloaf.
Chevysnats, sweetheart, you can't link a picture directly from your email account.
What's your Phobia?
by ApagaLaLuz ini tend to be a pretty wild soul.
i have eaten the grossest foods.
i don?t get sea sick.
Spiders, heights, enclosed spaces. Not necessarily in that order.
More KH dreams.
by starfish422 ini keep dreaming about being at the kh.
last night i dreamt i was there and two "worldly" people came in to do some shady business transaction with each other.
they were looking for a third person whom they were supposed to meet there, and wouldn't leave until this person showed up.
The odd thing about my dreams as that they're all featuring me *now*, KWIM? Instead of as an 18-year-old, the age I was when I left, I'm Starfish the 28-year-old who's been gone for 10 years and is catching up with some of the old folks from the congregation; and apologize to my friend M to whom I never said goodbye. They always end in reconciliation, at least on the level of friendship, with M. Last dream we just stood there hugging each other for what seemed like hours. Oy vey. Enough already.