1993. My last memorial! And the last one my dad gave until this year.
JoinedPosts by starfish422
Memorial Talk Outline: get your copy here
by Quotes inin light of the time of year, and in response to a request from had enough, i have just posted the 1993 version (does anyone know if there is a more recent one????
) of the memorial talk outline at the quotes site: .
My Mom is so upset she is skipping meetings!
by Quotes ini just got off the phone with my mom.
my mom has been a jw since converting in her teens or early 20s; she is now at the age of "senior discount".
a lifetime in the religion, by choice.
Oh..my...gosh!!!!! Quotes (I'm so excited I actually started typing your real name there), I am jumping up and down!! My mind is reeling with the possibilities this could open up. :) Can I say, as well, my old congregation is Quotes' parents' congregation and I know who Elder K is; the Napoleonic complex comment is making me ROFL! Stature-wise, at least, it's very appropriate!! LMAO
Yep, I miss Michael. :(
I had a dream.
by starfish422 inlast night i had a pretty profound dream.
first off, i often dream about being at my old kingdom hall, with my family and various people who were in that congregation.
last night, my dream was that my parents, two brothers, me and my sister were at the meeting, but in a church.
Last night I had a pretty profound dream. First off, I often dream about being at my old Kingdom Hall, with my family and various people who were in that congregation. Last night, my dream was that my parents, two brothers, me and my sister were at the meeting, but in a church. An old-fashioned, stone church, not all that big, but with a full congregation (no one I recognized). The service we were attending was like a Protestant service; the leader was definitely a pastor or minister, not an elder. My brothers weren't married; they were younger, late teens or early twenties, and my sister was about 8. The service was drawing to a close when my mother realized that the church was on fire. As we looked around, the only place the fire wasn't yet consuming was the door. My mother told my father that we should leave, but he said we had to wait until the song was over. My mother took my sister and me, and we left. We went for a walk, and when we came back to the church, my dad and brothers were standing outside the church; they were upset because they didn't know where we had gone. The church was pretty much ruined except for the stone shell of the outside; all the floors, pews, etc., were destroyed. Then my youngest brother (who is inactive) made a ladder and for some reason, he was the only one who could bridge the gap where the front door had been, and where it now dropped straight down to the floor of the basement. So, I woke up wondering; is this about me leaving? Or is it about the future of the Borg in general? The thing is, it was a church I was in, not a Kingdom Hall; which makes me think perhaps it could be about the church as a whole. And everyone inside got out alive but the church itself was empty and ruined. Anyone have any insights?
Any former Witnesses here in Toronto or Southern Ontario?
by Toronto_Guy ini was df'd last february, a year ago now, from my cong.
in toronto.
just wondering if anyone on this board is from toronto or the gta?
I'm a few hours east of Toronto. Welcome!
Shortage of skilled labourers to work at Bethel??
by starfish422 inmy father, age 62, has been called to bethel to help do some work in his particular trade.
he went up yesterday and will be there until friday night, if, as my sister put it, "they let him go.
" she said, "i know, i made the same comment.
Odrade: My dad is an electrician. By way of update, he returned on Sunday night and stayed for another week. :( I am writing a letter to the bigwigs at the Halton Hilton.
Shortage of skilled labourers to work at Bethel??
by starfish422 inmy father, age 62, has been called to bethel to help do some work in his particular trade.
he went up yesterday and will be there until friday night, if, as my sister put it, "they let him go.
" she said, "i know, i made the same comment.
My father, age 62, has been called to Bethel to help do some work in his particular trade. He went up yesterday and will be there until Friday night, if, as my sister put it, "they let him go." I said, "If they let him go??" She said, "I know, I made the same comment. Is he at a prison work camp or something??" My question is, aren't there younger men who can participate in this happy work? 15 years ago, my father spent every other weekend for a year, helping build a large assembly hall that was a 2 1/2 hour drive from home, and when it was completed, he more or less had a nervous breakdown from the stress of it (he was in charge of ordering the electrical supplies for the hall as well as overseeing that aspect of it). And he was in his 40s then. Grrrrrrr. >:(
They are Sooooooooo Over-rated !!
by ScoobySnax inever listened to someone who goes on and on about someone or something (and i don't mean jehovah's witnesses here!
) like they were the best thing since sliced bread.....and try as you might you just can't see the attraction?.
my brother-in law must have every sodding elvis record/picture/memorabilia thing going, and he goes on and on about him.
Lord of the Rings. I'd rather be boiled in oil than watch one of those movies.
would you go back if...
by what_Truth? ina member of the gb splits breaks away and takes a few billion with him.
he decideds to found his own church.
this church is almost exactly the same as the jehovah's witneses except for a few major changes .
ITA with Quotes. Positive atheism is the only route for me. :)
We walked out of my mom's memorial service
by tyydyy in.
my brother, my sister, myself, xena and those with us walked out when we were called aside and asked not to attend the reception after the memorial.. more details to follow....... timb
I am very sorry for your family's loss. (((HUGS))) to all. :( [quote] Sometimes I wonder if I will ever find their lowest low.[/quote] Absolutely true. They are shameless. :(