I knew a fortune teller or as she prefered to be called a spritualist for 20 years before she died at the age of 96. She started when she was a young girl in a covered wagon, so did this her entire life.
When at home away from her office and with family, what she did was never spoken of, and neither did any of the family.
The truth of the matter is this: At best, they are a poor man's psycologist! Nothing more. People have problems, poor people have more problems. Many poor people don't have insurance. After a $10 or $20 visit from Madame C, and they leave feeling a bit better.
At worst, its a con for the money alone.
I drove Madame C. to her office once, she was quite old and I had to help her up the stairs to her office. To my surprise, she had a sign hanging on the wall that said, "Attend a church of your choice" and it had a picture of a church on it. I really didn't expect that.
This is how I view fortune tellers to this day, they are a poor man's psycologist.