Watch. sept 15 1941 p.283, 288 "Recieving their gift {a free copy} the children clasped it to them, not as a plaything but as the Lord's provided instrument, for the work in the remaining MONTHS before Armagedon."
Children book 1941 p.281 "No children were taken on Noah's ark or were born on the ark...this would show it to be proper to wait until after Armegedon to bring children into this is only a few years from the time the other sheep are gathered to the Lord, until Armagedon...those who have infants during Armagedon will have much greater would be a far greater difficulty to care for them during the great tribulation..."
If a 16 year old teenage listened to the mouth piece of Jah when that book was released in 1941, they would still be childless pushing 90 years old today.