Thank you to all who have posted. I’m currently on my phone so I can’t respond to everyone individually.
We live in US and she attends a racially mixed school
The specific comment was this.
She made a comment about two boys in her class who were after her aka like her. In the conversation she mentioned one boy is white and other black.
His comment was that ‘she couldn’t like, date or marry anyone who was black’.
When I ask myself not knowing any other fact about this boy, other than his race what other logical reason someone would say this other than being racist? I can’t think of one.
I choose not to associate with racists by choice, so i asked myself why would I intentionally expose her to it?
In addition to this there have been other occasions where she has related negative comments towards myself and my wife. I have mostly let these type of ignorant comments go but with this latest event, I just see an overall lack of retuning the same respect that we have given her over the years.
I’m seeing a pattern of disrespect, not just one isolated incident. This race thing is what brought it to a tipping point.
i also recognize that I’m angry that she wouldn’t respect my request to shut the F up for 4 hours a month to keep peace and they double down on I should respect their alternate views and will say whatever they want
Thank you all!