A few months back when my wife was getting NERVOUS of me reading the bible and laughing(with liberation) as I did each night.......she had to call "the brothers"
she told them I had questions....of which by that time, ihad none they could answer. Specifically I was asking about the bodys which came out of the graves when Jesus died....they looked real hard and came up with the centurion guard as those who the ones coming out of the grave and going into the city...ok what ever....... they never even mentioned the word RESURRECTED which is written there, it says the bodys rose when he was ressurected.......
but they thanked me said it was a good question....oh yippee
but this was the best part........one elder said ..ya know the society is not going to just go way out on a limb with its teachings......he said "if they told me to get up on my roof at 2AM , I would have to say thats enough"(he is the PO).... guess the molestation thing is not enough........guess the free literature isnt enough....guess the parking at district asemblies isnt enough...
so be on the look out for the command for the roof so I can let him know.......