I am glad your shared your experince, especialy in New Jersey, as I have some friends that live there.
I dont know "what a good standing" is suppose to be.......and why you would uphold an organization that had wolves and cover up such items. BUt this is America , and you are free to choose.
I am wondering as this search goes on for his sheep, this god has decided to put these into an organizattion that holds these items as confidential, these torments of children.
I also have a hard time with the rest of the children who are abused....each and every one of them, the ones who are taught , that their freinds, grand parents, and even parents will DIE , if they dont become Jehovajs Witnesses. THat THEY WILL DIE if they dont become Jehovahs witness, I must have missed that verse in the bible. Jesus only died for witnesses?
I dont EVER doubt GOds owrds, and would enjoy you showing me his word on this Governing body, on the Faithful and discrete slave( IT WAS AN ILLUSTRATION....READ LUKE)
I worship GOD every day, not that it is any of your business, for Jesus told us when asked about praying, to go to a private secret place, not be so public about it all........
I worship god when the sun rises, when a baby laughs and when I see a smile, and my realtionship is not bound by an organization, just as ABRAHAMS was not.........
he simply walked with god...........