if you want to be HAPPY
............................................. REMOVE
In ~IT~ remains the FLAW
Non Human thinking has worked in the past and
GOD uses it everyday
the wtbts is looking to the perfection of the obedient humans in happiness.
but they have also acknowledged the psychological truth that happiness is not a state we can arrive at, but is a process of change, transformation and book selling.. my question is, is the idea of humanity ever being perfectly happy fundamentally flawed?
do we need to be discontent as humans in order to continue human progress, transformation etc and gain temporary happiness along the way?
if you want to be HAPPY
............................................. REMOVE
In ~IT~ remains the FLAW
Non Human thinking has worked in the past and
GOD uses it everyday
'it doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.'.
' Intuitive ability is present in everyone because it is a survival skill, not a spiritual intention.'
it's been 14 years since i was anathmatised at 17 years of age, i was never baptised but they still marked me as dissaproved asociation,it had the same effect as being dissfellowshiped.
this tore my family apart i was satan's child acording to my stepfather want-a-be.
the elders suggested that because i was haveing sexual relations with worldy girls and drinking that it would lead to drug addition jail and homosexuality and destruction at armageton.
I can apprecaite the SPECIaL JOY had in confronting these guys....just consider the affects it has on you and how you mig t feel IF you dont get your point across.
I have just witnessed and particapted in a discussion with my brother and two older elders. It was in a word not as fulfilling as one migh think. FIrst the ARROGANCE that is carried like a sword will mystify you ... they are right reagrdless.. YOU DONT THINK YOU CAN TELL THEM ANYTHING do you.....
they will only be impressed with something that HITS home with them and even then the answers they give you may confuse you.
We had a fella tell us that 1975 was never discussed as the end of it all .. and that the society never encouraged anyone not to go to school or to see their homes. THis after I read the articles from that time period. He in fact said he wished he had heeded the counsel but could not as he had a family. DOI!
The other fella insisted...KNOOR did not agree with what was being printed.......
my advice is to find the PEACE for your self and later on when you get past this point in your life , then you can have a little fun.
a peaceful day outside ,its a bit hot, after all its phoenix arizona.
a day two parents take their baby boy food shopping.
how very common, its done every day.
A peaceful day outside ,its a bit hot, after all its Phoenix Arizona. A day two parents take their baby boy food shopping. How very common, its done every day. This however is not just any shopping trip, not just any two parents, not just any baby boy.
The parents have been shopping , together for the last ten years give or take. Its ~something~ when you consider , then never did that before they hit retirement age. This however is not a story of bonding or two people who have come to appreciate one another over the years. The lesson this day was all there for me to see. THe lesson is this , if you don't forgive people for there errors and then accept them back into your life, you grow old , you grow bitter, and grocery shopping , the simplest of activities turns out to be a real painful event.
On this particular day , I am standing in for my brother who normally accompanies my folks shopping, he has been here too many times to even feel that he is helping them any more. My mom has managed to turn this into a game of ”try a little harder “ for my dad who cant see , and uses a magnifier to read labels. She gets a*special Joy* out of this as if , its somehow pay back for the years of misery he helped her too 35 plus years earlier. While myself @ 37 years old have my own family and relationships to build, I see these two as prime examples of staying to gether for no particular reason. They were divorced previously and after a few years apart remarried to the unnatural bliss from hell. No one benefits. Each has offers from others to live elsewhere. My mother wont because that would almost admit she has made a mistake. How simply tragic!... and dad wont because he is afraid she wont be cared for. What a scene, walking into the store ,My mother mouths, audible for all to hear..’ go that way lÛß}be shop” ....after the second or third chorus of this Dad and I do depart for another aisle nearby. After a few aisles of Mumbling from Mom about what ~he~ is suppose to buy and does not , we arrive at Frozen foods and being Arizona this is a~ last aisle~ event. But we go no further ,Mom is MIA, Dad is waiting for Mom as she is in the bathroom , I don't know how he knows this , he cant see , but he knows. Sure enough a few minutes later Mom comes back. saying she has to go to the potty at least once during shopping.... the rest of the aisles are a bit like the earlier ones , and my joy at helping push the cart and spending time with my folks starts to tarnish. I see my parents maybe once every few years, and the relationship(theirs) is now beyond pretense, its a sad state of affairs. The lesson for me is this , SON, don't let your life get to this point , and yet its not far from it. But starin me in the face is this..... and they are OLD and have lost all the sense of joy, they just exist. I was told recently by a friend to “save myself, from my own debacle”. If this is not evidence of truth , I cant say what is.
At Check out my brother strolls in with his knowing smile, as if to say.....”.now do you SEE what a JOY it is to take these two anywhere.” I do see and I was disappointed , that this honesty is not more pleasant to look at. I find honesty very attractive abotu people, but this is far from attractive. All my life I was taught to be honest by these two people and today they did not let me down. Honesty can be the most brutal form of pain inflicted .
For the final honest thing to say , just be blunt ONCE and say “I cant live with you or like this”. Whispering it for years on end through actions of dispute are just too traumatic. How I wish I heard those words one day when I was growing up. Perhaps its time to formulate my own version of them.
disfellowshiping or ex-comunication puts great strain on family members, it has been successfully used by other religious groups jehovah's witness's are no exception.
any group or government that can successfully put a wedge between family members is a threat to the whole family of man.. by using such phrases or reasons as: its for their own good or its being done cause we love them, or we wakening them to their senses, are simply rationalizing their actions.. think about this: monkeys shun at times one of their own, but the one shunned most of the time dies from it; are we higher than monkeys in love?
humans also die if shunned or become mentally sick depressed to the point of at times taking their own life, because if one has been a witness or other shunning group for all or most of their life who is now a support group for them?
The family is certainly the core of where we came from here on earth, to be cut off or even voluntarily leave , we need to substitute other tribal influences to remain healthy.
I dont see this always as a negative , as it can expand the ~who~ of what we are. If we develop our own sense of being that does not jive with any tribe(family or group) we belong to , we generally move on to another , but it is generally a higher form of existence, complete with its own reward system .We can also influence other members of our families or tribes by our dedication to integrity and sticking to our beliefs with our own energies.
The main thing is that regardless of the pain we may experience, its not meant to harm us, just help us learn , its there for the learning of our spirit to test the qualities that may not be open to a divine being.
It would be a wonderful world if we had happy families and all accepted us for who we are and what we believe, but irregardless. we should consider our own retort back to them.The history of man shows that families have not always been the complete unit of love.
They have a choice and so de we.
'it doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.'.
' Each day take down one boundary between you and the Divine.'
'it doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.'.
' Healing is a present-time experience. Don't look backwards or forward, focus only on the present.'
this is a continuation of the "singles" thread i started.
i may have been a bit vague about how to describe ourselves, and introspection suggested a questionaire-type thing, so below are some questions to get us started.
freel free to say how much or how little you want.
I feel like I am being "singled out" hehehe..since I am not single.......
but I am not dead yet!
in reading posts here for the past couple days, i obviously am only slightly familiar with bill bowen and his crusade.. is bb still regularly attending meetings, and being treated like a proverbial "leper"?.
if so, i say that about 100 of us drive to his congregation for a sunday meeting, attend respectfully, but talk to and treat bb inside the kh like the "hero" that he deserves!
There is a Shread of credence here....not for just Bill but for everyone, who is not an attender of the KH
I can just Imagine the look of idsbeleif and probaly FEAR , then rage to attempt to REMOVE such people for theis PUBLIC gathering....
cheers to all who can do this...and if a group in the tristate is ever formed...let me know... I will wear my shorts and sandals......
'it doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.'.
' Nothing empowers
our ability to heal as
much as our love
and forgiveness.'
its funny ~love~ is never mentioned in the lords Prayer.........but Forgiveness is!....its hard to love, darn near impossible if you cant, wont or are not ready to forgive....